TWELVE[The Passion]

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[Trails of Crimson]
[Chapter Twelve]

|| For making me feel loved ||


"Where the hell have you been?" Nami looked at the h/c-haired man as he joined her, Zoro and Usopp at the table with a beer in hand.

"Around," Y/n shrugged as he sat down next to Usopp, at the end of the couch while his eyes scanned the 'party' that was going on. "So what did I miss?" Y/n glanced at the rest of the crew, blowing off the fact that he had been gone for some time.

"Nothing much," Zoro muttered before looking over at Usopp. "Pace yourself," He warned the sharpshooter who was holding a bowl with four straws in it, slurping out whatever drink he had ordered.

"I don't even think there's any liquor in this, it tastes just like candy," Usopp chuckled as he looked at the drink and then the Swordsman.

"Last time I said that I woke up face down under a table," Zoro muttered as he shook his head. "Does that glass have gold on the bottom of it or something?" He asked no one in particular as he stared into space but Nami seemed to realize he was talking to her because she looked at him with a confused glance. "You've only taken your eyes off of it once..." He glanced at her for a moment.

"You seriously don't think what Luffy did was messed up?" She questioned the Green-haired man, her eyes shifting towards the rubber man's best friend for a moment before moving back to Zoro.

"Yeah, he should have told us..." Zoro muttered as he looked at Y/n for a moment before shaking his head. "But in case you didn't notice, we've been making enemies everywhere we go..." He pointed out, his voice as monotone as always. "Psycho clowns, killer butlers... What's a vice-admiral going to do to us?" He questioned Nami as he looked at her.

"No, you don't get it..." Nami responded, shaking her head as she watched the Swordsman. "I can't get caught, not when I'm so close..." She looked at Usopp and Y/n before freezing. The three men shared a glance, Usopp was more of an oblivious look while Zoro and Y/n seemed to pick up the same thing. "Who's ready for another drink, my treat?" She offered.

Y/n and Zoro shared another glance before Zoro shrugged. "My favourite kind," He joked as Nami stood up and walked over to the bar.

At this point, Y/n had no reason to be stealthy when using his skills because Usopp wasn't paying attention and Zoro seemed to notice things easier than Y/n had first thought. The L/n looked over at Nami, focusing on that area and feeling his hearing ring for a moment as it honed in on the orange-haired woman. "Let me get you're second-best bottle of Rum," She ordered.

"Anything else?"

"Yeah..." Nami's voice dropped a bit as she leaned on the counter. "If I wanted to secure passage to the Conomi Islands, who would I talk to?"

Y/n felt his blood run cold, his focus breaking as he heard the island's name, he was very familiar with the Conomi Islands since he had shipped three LARGE orders of 'sushi' there many years ago. "Y/n?" Zoro called out to the pale man.

"I need to... Need to go..." Y/n stood up, his breath was shallow and his voice was low. "I'm done for the night... See ya," He muttered before walking off to the ship.

Y/n felt his breathing fasten as did his pulse, a rage he hadn't felt in years was resurfacing and he didn't know what to do, who to turn to or even where to go. He was close to the exit, a few more steps and he would have a wall between him and what just happened but that relief was soon destroyed when he bumped into a figure.

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