THIRTEEN[The Swords]

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[Trails of Crimson]
[Chapter Thirteen]

|| Y/n called himself a god quite often ||


Y/n called himself a god quite often and he didn't need some Devil Fruit to complete missions like this, he sat on the table that was in the centre of the room, blood covering almost every inch of it as multiple bodies lay on the group. Some were crushed, some were broken and others were covered in either stabs or slashes as Y/n put his Den Den Mushi away, the blood fading off of his black robe while his cold eyes scanned the room from beneath the blank mask.

"Ghost..." A soft voice called out from the corner of the room, a slender figure dressed in a purple and black suit while its voice seemed distorted and echoed over itself. "I'm afraid that your payment was cancelled..." Her soft voice giggled as she looked at him, a black cloth wrapped around her head as a mask while her eyes were hidden under black lenses.

"I am aware," Y/n muttered as he stood up. "That's why I'll be making my way over to deal with them next," He added as he walked over to the nearest wall and focused on it, placing his hand against it but froze when he didn't feel anything change.

"Tsk, Tsk... Can't have you do that..." She giggled once again as she walked closer to him, each step was dramatic, as if she was dancing to music that only she could hear. "I mean... It's not every day I get to kill a... What do you call yourself? A God?"

"And you think that you will be the one to kill me?" Y/n asked, his voice was low and cold as he turned to face the newcomer. Watching as she drew a one-handed sword from her waist and launched herself forward, Y/n hadn't expected her to move so fast but he still sidestepped her attack before striking her in the midsection, knocking her back.

"How long do you think you can survive without the help of your Devil Fruit?" She mocked as she began twirling her sword.

Y/n didn't respond and instead, reached up and took his robe off before taking on a fighting stance. She charged at him again, lifting the sword and slashing down but Y/n brought his hand to the outside and gripped her wrist, pulling her forward and sliding his other arm over hers. Once he had her arm sandwiched, he drove his elbow back, feeling it slam against the side of her head before he drove the same arm forward, knocking the sword out of her hand while she was stunned before flicking his wrist as a hidden blade shot out as he swung it back and stabbing her in the side before hurling her across the room.

"I don't have any business with you," Y/n muttered as he watched her climb to her feet, grabbing her side. "Allow me to leave and you will live, I will even heal your injury but try and kill me and I will be forced to end this,"

The other assassin seemed to be on a mission because she dashed forward and threw two punches that Y/n blocked before grabbing her arms together under his one arm and delivering a powerful hook, knocking her back a few feet as she regained her balance.

Y/n was the first to engage this time as he moved forward with his own jab but she grabbed his wrist before launching herself forward, slamming their foreheads together with such force that Y/n felt it through the mask as he took a step back before he could regain his focus he felt a powerful punch to the sternum which knocked him back as well.

Y/n caught the punch thrown at him before spinning around and throwing his attacker against the wall with force, hearing her let out a gasp in shock. Y/n stepped forward with a cross but she weaved under his swing before punching him in the ribs with a quick jab and then followed that up with a hook, connecting with his jaw. She didn't stop there as she threw a quick flick-jab that Y/n blocked before throwing his own punch that the nimble assassin slipped under, delivering two quick uppercuts to his ribs and a hook to the centre of his forehead.

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