FIFTEEN[The Clash]

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[Trails of Crimson]
[Chapter Fifteen]

|| You are nothing without your fruit! ||


An eighteen-year-old Y/n stood before a hooded figure, a short sword drawn as he glared at the man. "Are you sure you want to do this?" The man mocked him as he crossed his legs where he sat.

"Your arrogance is going to get you killed..." Y/n warned him, eyes scanning their surroundings, a ghost town was all that surrounded them as they stood in the quiet town centre with the man sitting on the dried-out fountain that sat in the centre of the town square.

"Only if you use your powers..." He mocked the younger man. "Are we going to do this or are you realizing that you value your life?" He added as he stood up and turned to face Y/n.

Y/n could sense the man smirking at him, which irritated him more and more. Without wasting another second, Y/n launched himself forward, slashing upwards when he got close enough but the man just sidestepped him at the last second, watching the blade slide right past him.

Y/n didn't stop there and used the momentum to execute a horizontal slash but once again, the man dodged the blade at the last second before raising his foot and thrusting it forward, giving Y/n just enough time to block the kick but sliding backwards from the force.

"Stop messing around!" Y/n yelled as he charged forward thrusting his sword forward. Still, the man jumped out of the way, landing on the edge of the fountain before thrusting his leg out, trying to kick the side of Y/n's head. Still, he was able to duck under it, taking the chance to slash at his opponent's leg but the man sprung off his foot, doing a flip before landing a distance from the h/c-haired boy, one foot on the ground while the other was perched on the fountain.

"Fighting is so much more than just your strength," The man began lecturing the boy as he stood there. "Try to use something more than just anger," He added as he watched Y/n charge at him.

"Save your teaching for someone who cares!" Y/n yelled as he unleashed a torrent of swings, slashing at the man with as much speed and strength as he could without tapping into his fruit or Haki.

"So much anger in such a young boy..." Y/n got a glimpse of the man's unique eyes shining through the dark before everything seemed to slow down as he watched the man weave through his slashes before feeling the dagger dig into his shoulder, the man didn't have super speed or anything but Y/n just wasn't fast enough... "Have you learned nothing?"

"I've learned how to be a man..." Y/n growled as he felt the dagger getting ripped out as he stumbled back, fighting to hold onto the sword. "I've learned that a man never runs away because he can't handle things... Unlike someone as pathetic as you..."

"Y/n..." The man muttered as he watched Y/n swap hands and gripped the sword in his opposite hand.

"Save it!" Y/n yelled as charged forward again. "You had thirteen years to talk!" He yelled in between slashes. "You had eleven years to be there for her!" He carried on swinging, his attacks becoming more and more erratic. "Now's too late! Now you need to pay..."

Before Y/n could finish his sentence he felt a blade run across his midsection, causing him to lock up before the same blade dug into his side. "The Kami No Mi makes you believe you are strong but you will get nowhere without people behind you..."

"I don't need anyone..." Y/n hissed before the blade was ripped out of him before he felt the man grab his head and take two steps forward, dragging him with him before slamming him into the ground.

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