ELEVEN[The Meal]

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[Trails of Crimson]
[Chapter Eleven]

|| Jealous, who me? ||


"In three weeks," Y/n heard the fish guy mutter as Usopp and Luffy moved past him to look at the giant restaurant in front of them.

Before he could do or say anything, Nami had walked over to the man and handed him some Berry. "You'll have to excuse them, their idiots," She whispered to him as he smiled.

"Of course," He walked out from behind his table. "Right this way Ma'am," He spoke before walking down the stairs, Y/n couldn't help but smile when Nami looked back at him and Zoro with a proud smile on her face before they followed the fish guy.

Y/n's eyes scanned everyone as they walked towards their seats, Y/n took a seat while his eyes scanned the room more, noticing a few familiar faces as well as people who were just staring at them, out of instinct Y/n had already started searching for the strongest in the room and looking for ways to outpower anyone without overusing his abilities. "Y/n," Nami's whisper finally snapped him out of his mind as he turned to face the young woman next to him.

"Yeah..." He froze when he realised that he had moved quite close you her, his arm was draped over the back of the half-moon couch, resting behind Nami while they were close enough that their legs would brush against each other when he moved. "Ah, sorry... I zoned out for a second," He gave his usual chuckle while moving away from Nami, he blew it off as being lost in his thoughts but in reality, he knew that it was instinctive, he wanted to be closer to her so that he could protect her if anything really bad happened... He was letting people in again...

"Here are your menus," Y/n looked up as the man was handing out to each of them. "You're waiter will be out with you shortly," And with that, he left the five of them alone and returned to his front desk.

"I wonder what kind of food they have here?" Usopp asked as he looked at the crew.

Y/n on the other hand had his eyes closed as he rested his head against the couch, looking calm and relaxed when in reality, he was focusing on his surroundings and trying to get as much information as possible. "Y/n," A whisper caught his attention once more, and he opened his eyes to find that Nami was the one who was leaning in closer now. "Is everything okay?" She asked, practically had her head resting against his outstretched arm at this point.

Y/n just hummed as he nodded, his heart rate picking up as his eyes scanned over her face. He knew she would be the death of him, not even talking in metaphors since he knew he was in a place with some sketchy pirates and yet here he was, completely distracted by the orange-haired Navigator.

"You sure?" She asked, not convinced by his answer or his smile as she stared into his e/c eyes. "Because it seems like something is bothering you," She questioned him again as the two of them seemed to block out the rest of the crew.

Y/n rolled his eyes playfully as he leaned in even closer, bumping their nose together before pulling away. "I'm fine, Nami," He gave her a warm smile. "Just got a lot on my mind," He reassured her as he watched her look at him very sceptical before nodding. 'I missed it...' Y/n's head snapped to the side just before a man in a black suit kicked the pistol out of one pirate's hand and then kicked the other in the sternum before delivering a spinning kick to the side of his head, knocking him out and dropping the plate of bread on the table and using the table to launch himself forward and deliver another knockout kick to the first pirate.

"Good fighter," Luffy looked at the crew with a smile on his face.

Y/n watched the blond hair pick up the plate once again. "No cause for alarm folks," He called out as he continued walking through the restaurant. "Please, enjoy your meals," He added before placing the plate down on the Straw hat pirates' table. "Hi, welcome to our shitty restaurant," He smiled as Luffy reached across and grabbed bread as quickly as possible. "Where the only thing worse than the ambience is the food, my name is Sanji, what can I get for you?" Y/n studied the fighter, he didn't know much about the blond man but he sure did like him so far.

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