SIX[The Cat]

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[Trails of Crimson]
[Chapter Six]

|| Six feet back or Six feet under ||

"Look at them all!" Luffy's voice snapped Y/n out of his thoughts as he looked at all the ships that people were working on.

"How much do these even cost?" Zoro asked as he shook his head.

"If you need to ask, then you can't afford it," Nami responded as she glanced back at the Swordsman.

"Okay, so..." Luffy began as they walked in front, with Nami. "We need to get one with a very impressive figurehead," He explained with a smile, hyping himself up. "At least two, no no... Three masts and a really high crow's nest," He added.

"We won't be anywhere near able to sail a ship that size," Nami rolled her eyes at the 'captain'. "There's only four of us," She shook her head as they walked around for a bit.

"There's only four of us right now," Luffy corrected the Navigator.

"Unless you can find another weird, desperate soul to help us," Nami laughed.

"Speak for yourself," Zoro muttered towards them, strolling just ahead of Y/n who was trying his best to focus but his mind was lost on cloud nine since this walk was starting to get extremely boring to the adventurer.

"Listen, you are going to need something a little less flashy if we want to sneak out of here," Nami explained only to be met with a confused Luffy.

"You want to steal a ship?" Luffy questioned as he stopped walking, looking at Nami like she was insane.

Nami just laughed as she crossed her arms over her chest. "How else did you expect us to get one?" She questioned the pirate in front of her.

"I don't know," Luffy admitted as he shrugged his shoulders. "But we can't steal one," He metaphorically was putting his foot down as the captain of this crew, whether they liked it or not and Y/n was enjoying it.

"What kind of pirate are you?" Nami questioned the Rubber man, the smile fading from her lips.

Luffy furrowed his brows as he looked at his crew. "A ship is not just a ship," Luffy turned his attention back towards Nami as he spoke. "It's a part of our crew," He added. "We need to find the perfect one and we're going to get it the right way,"

"Okay, pitch that to the salesman," Nami spoke, sounding tired. "I'm sure that'll win him over," Sarcasm dripped from her tongue.

"Exactly," Sarcasm fell on deaf ears when it came to Luffy, who just smiled as he continued walking.

The three stood in silence for a moment as Y/n contemplated taking a break from the group for a short period, to go do his own thing on this island. "So what are we actually going to do?" Zoro asked Nami as the three stood.

Nami let out a sigh at the question. "Find a ship and see how relaxed the security is around here," She explained, glancing over at Zoro and Y/n as she did.

"Got it," Zoro muttered before the two of them began walking after Luffy once more.

Y/n just found himself standing there once again, lost in thought as he watched the men at work. "I wonder how Ririka and Riko are doing?" Y/n mumbled to himself as he thought back to his part-time job at Shells town.

"Would you walk?" Nami snapped him out of his daydream as she grabbed his arm and began walking after Zoro and Luffy again. "You are way too distracted today," She scolded him as she looked for the other two.

"Maybe I'm just bored," It wasn't a lie after all, Y/n practically lived on fun and excitement.

"Really?" Nami questioned him as she rolled her eyes. "If you were back at Shells Town, what exactly would you be doing right now that would be more entertaining?" She arched her eyebrow as they caught a glimpse of Zoro.

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