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[Trails of Crimson]
[Chapter Fourteen]

|| It cost him more than his ability to swim... ||

"What just happened?" Nami almost demanded an answer as she stood in front of Luffy, Usopp and Sanji.

Luffy, who had just returned from helping Y/n to a bed, looked at the orange-haired woman. "I don't know what you mean," His tone was colder than normal as he looked at his crew, they could see that this was bothering their captain but Nami needed answers.

"Zeff said that Zoro's wounds had stopped bleeding, they were practically healing themself already only for them to start again moments after you took Y/n out of the room..." Nam folded her arms over her chest as she glared at the Rubber Man. "Y/n even said that there was only so long that he could tether Zoro... What does that mean?!" She practically yelled at Luffy, Usopp and Sanji glanced at each other before turning away from the two.

"That's something I can't tell you about, only Y/n can,"

"Can't tell us or won't tell us?!" Nami cut the Captain off as she took a few menacing steps closer. "First, you don't tell us that your grandfather was Vice Admiral of the Marines, then you let Zoro go through with this suicide mission and now you won't tell us why Y/n almost died, how are we supposed to be a crew if you're keeping things like this from us?"

"I'm going to have to agree with Nami, we need to know what happened to Y/n so that we can help if it ever happens again," Usopp finally spoke up, looking at Luffy with worry in his eyes. "Y/n clearly won't tell us and you obviously know about it," He added with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Fine..." Luffy finally gave in as he turned to face the three of them, a saddened look on his face. "Kami No Mi," He just muttered when Sanji spat out his drink, catching everyone's attention.

"That's a myth..." The cook coughed out as he looked at Luffy.

"So is the Crimson Ghost," Luffy responded, his voice was low but audible as if he was afraid of this. "A masked man who seems to be a God, a single man who has destroyed entire divisions of the Marines, anyone with that kind of power has to either be a god or have the powers of a god," Luffy's entire tone had changed, from his usual self to someone who seemed to have matured another twenty years in seconds.

"So this 'Kami No Mi' is some sort of God-like Devil Fruit?" Nami asked, not entirely believing Luffy when he gave her a nod. "But if that's true then why doesn't he..."

"Because it can kill him..." Luffy cut the Navigator off, taking a sip of his water. "The powers of that fruit were never meant to be used, that's why it became a myth," He added as he took a deep breath. "Y/n's family had made it their mission to keep that fruit hidden because the last person to it, from what I've heard from Y/n's mother, had crushed every bone in their body so everyone agreed that no one should eat the fruit... That was until Y/n was born, his mother decided that if anyone deserved the powers of a god then it was him,"

"But how?"

"The members of Y/n's family had been storing their life force in a gem, generation after generation which caused this gem to become supercharged," Luffy explained, drawing an imaginary gem on the table. "When Y/n was born, his mother decided she wasn't going to do the same, after his sister was born she decided that she was going to give Y/n all the power from the gem so that he could control the fruit but she couldn't give an infant all that energy in the gem so she decided to absorb it herself..." Luffy paused, a hurt expression only becoming more and more painful. "That kind of power started killing her, she knew that after absorbing that much power she only had a few years left,"

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