Chapter Two

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Sunday, 5:30 a.m
Yua POV (first person)

I rubbed my eyes, waking up for the second time in the past three hours.

It was still dark outside but the obnoxious ringing on my bed side table wouldn't stop.

I reached my hand over, pressing the "stop" button on my lock scream before rolling out of bed. I was utterly exhausted from a disrupted sleep but today was going to be unbelievably busy.

I pulled on a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt which was actually Eraserhead merch I stole from Tomura a while ago. He still hasn't noticed.

I walk out into the corridor and then down to the bar, finding Kurogiri and a new bar counter. "That was quick..." I mumble, still half asleep.

"Yes, well, it wasn't exactly something we could go without, young mistress." He explains. I nodded simply, pulling myself up onto one of the stools. "Pancakes?" He asks, placing a plate infront of me with 3 pancakes on it.

I smile softly, "Thank you, Kurogiri."

He simply nodded before going back to making more pancakes.

Kurogiri always made breakfast. He wasn't bad but could definitely be better... you can tell he's more of a mixologist than a chef but either way his efforts are extremely appreciated.

I quickly ate my pancakes before moving to the corner of the bar where we had two sofa-chairs opposite each other with a table in the middle.

I reached for my paper work out the small bar I left here the night before.

I would often take on fake personas to make life easier for my brother and his little gang. We all knew father wouldn't do it so I took the paperwork into my own hands.

I sorted bills and the threats that followed if I didn't or when one of the villains decided to get themselves caught- I was the one to get rid of evidence. If Tomura disintegrated something, it was normally me who had to go shopping.

I did groceries and provided the money for clothes or essentials.

Yet they were all terrified to even speak to me.

Gratitude for ya- I guess. 😒

Time skip- later that day

"Father... are you there?" I ask, feeling a strange silence in the corner of my mind.

"🧠Hello, daughter..." He sneers, evil tone ringing through my ears.

"I'm busy, what do you want?" I sigh, speaking quietly as I glance around the bar to notice everyone getting on with their own things.

"🧠This mission Ive sent you on..." he begins but i simply interrupt.

"Plans ready, I know my identity and I've studied the Shimura family to full extent." I speak quickly, not wanting to alert Tomura who I had only recently found to be a Shimura himself. "Including your little secret..." my voice is calm but threatening as I continued to stare in Tomuras direction.

"🧠Hm.. when did you become so wise? So observant?" He chuckles lowly.

"I always have been," I glance back down to the laptop infront of me, "You were just too busy noticing my faults."

He falls silent, that awful echoing buzz filling my hearing space. "🧠Good luck with the heroes, I'll check in with you everyday- understood?" It was a solemn threat but any threat from All For One was to be taken seriously.

"Understood, father..." I whisper, gritting my teeth as not to retaliate.

Then he was gone.

"You okay princess?" Dabi asks, sliding in opposite me followed by Toga skipping towards us and jumping up to sit on the table.

"I'm fine..." with a sigh, I glare at Toga who backs away off the table and onto the couch next to Dabi.

I wasn't quite prepared to admit my knowledge of Dabis situation but something played in the front of my mind each and every time I saw him. Telling me to get rid. Telling me that the longer he was around the more danger we were in. Yet for some reason- some stupid, idiotic and unknown reason- I just couldn't.

"Join us for Karaoke tonight?" She suggests with a nervous giggle.

I stare them both down, "I thought karaoke was last night?" I scoff, remembering the drunken mess of a brother I had to take care of just that morning and the mass amount of ashes to sweep up where our old bar counter once was.

"Twices idea, princess." Dabi explains, gesturing over to Twice as he slouched into the back of the couch.

"Well it isn't happening," I state simply adding a couple of notes to my list at the side of my laptop, "I want to actually sleep tonight- assholes."

Dabi sighs and Toga shrinks backwards. "Come on, Himiko."

They both get up, sliding off the couch and going to join the rest around the bar.

With a scoff, I rolled my eyes and continued working. Tomorrow I had to go to UA and actually socialise with heroes. I was going to need as much rest as possible if I wanted to deal with grating, heroic speeches all day and- as anyone with common sense could see- listening to Twice single until late hours wasn't going to help with that.


Sorry it's such a short chapter!!

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