Chapter Five

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~~~ 🎄🎅 ~~~

"I must ask," All Might began after pulling a chair out for me and sitting down on the opposite side of the cafe table, "Did you ever know your grandmother?"

I felt my stomach drop slightly as excuses began to whizz around my mind. Oh- "No, she was always too busy... I guess being a hero comes with sacrifices."

All Might simply nodded and I could tell he had his own stories to tell.

"My brother and I wanted to be hero siblings and she was our inspiration... always smiling..." I couldn't help but cringe ever so slightly but made sure it wasn't visible, "although my father never supported that idea."

" come?"

I began to recollect my conversation with Nezu earlier. "I suppose he felt his mothers title has taken away his mother."

All Might nodded gently, "I heard about the... accident."

"Yeah... I was at my friends house that night. My sister died along side my mother and father."

"Was there not a boy?" He asked, gesturing to a waitress that we were ready to order.

"Yes, my brother... neighbours said he killed them all and I've never seen him since..." I made sure my voice was shaking as I spoke, holding my breath as water swelled in my eyes.

All Might must have noticed as he changed the subject. Thank god. "What would you like?" He beamed at the waitress who was straightening her uniform as she walked over to the table.

"Hm..." I glanced down at the table. Does an order say something about one's character? Just in case, I decided a black coffee might not be a smart choice. Further down the menu, there was a list of smoothies - most were named after heroes. Deciding that was too heroic, I continued to scan the page. "I'll try the caramel frappe, please!" I announced, grinning up at the waitress who now stood in front of us.


All Might had insisted on paying the bill for both of us and as much as I argued (to keep up my act) I wasn't actually going to say no. He was a hero after all - they're loaded!

"I look forward to seeing you in classes from now on." All Might said, breaking the awkwardly comfortable silence we had held since the bill was paid.

"I look forward to attending." I admitted. It was true - even as a villain - going to UA was a dream come true ever since I was a child.

We soon reached UA and went our respective ways. As my eyes settled upon the luxurious, modern dorm buildings I suddenly snapped back into reality. I wasn't here to fulfil a life-long dream. I was here to help my father: I was here to help the league. I was here to destroy the hero society from the inside, bring down every fake hero and bring hatred upon their name... starting with Yagi Toshinori.

I spent my evening in the dorms. Unpacking a bit into my room in order to make the whole thing seem more realistic. Then I went to Aoyama who promised to cover for me and make sure nobody recognised my disappearance as I escaped through the window and set off towards the leagues hide out, using my quirk to shapeshift into a harmless raven and sore over building tops before de-shifting and dropping carefully into the narrow, shadowed alleyway we called "home" once I had my natural appearance back. White hair and red eyes.

The door was locked as I creeped onto the bit of roof outside my bedroom. I forced my away in through the hole before exiting through the bedroom door and into the leagues bar.

"Where have you been, princess?" Dabi asked and I couldn't stop the shudder that tiptoed down my back.

"You tell me, asshole! Why didn't anyone wake me up!?" I yelled, frustration obvious in my tone. It was just Dabi and Kurogiri in the room.

The scarred man let out a grating chuckle, beckoning me to sit down with him. I made my way to the bar stool and sat two over from him as to keep some space.

He leaned closer with a wicked grin, ignoring Kurogiris confused gaze, "I did." My stomach dropped and eyes widened. "I ask again, princess... where have you been?"

Out of desperation, I did the only thing I could think of and jumped down from the bar, grabbing his wrist and yanking him with me. "Let's have this talk else where."

He didn't fight back, following me as I went back into my room and slammed the door shut behind us. "Bit aggressive," he seethed, rubbing his wrist where I had held it.

"Shut up." I threatened, making him tense his shoulders, "Sorry..." I whispered softly but it did nothing to calm him down again.

"Where have you been?... honestly this time." His voice eventually started again.

"I feel like I can trust you - can I trust you?" I did my best to stall the conversation.

"Where. Have. You. Been?" His patience was running thin.

I took in a deep breath, glancing to the door just incase then back at him, "I think we have a traitor."

His eyes widened for a split second before he was able to compose himself once more. I saw it. A blue glow began to radiant from his hand and up his arm. I saw it. His jaw clenched as he gritted his teeth in an attempt to contain himself. I saw it.

He finally speaks, "What makes you think that?"

"I saw Hawks the other night... he was flying around so casually that it felt he knew where he was. Dabi, I think they know our location." I put on the story, allowing yet another fake persona to take over my mindset.

He gulped, "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I trust you." I stated quickly, studying the way his face adjusted to the guilt. "The truth is, I've been keeping an eye on the league from afar... today I followed Toga and Twice to the mall but I can't watch everyone at once." I began to explain, remembering the conversation I had overheard between Himiko and Jin the night before, "I want you're help... keep an eye on everyone and tell me if you see anything suspicious."

"What about your father?" He asked, a very reasonable concern.

"He doesn't know."

He thought about it a moment, the guilt dissolving and a new found confidence ever so slightly visible, "And you'll keep watching?"

"From afar..." I confirmed with a nod. Glancing towards the door, I gestured him away, "you can go now."

"Ouch. Cold." He joked.

I chuckled, "Out!" But as I watched him leave the reality of this situation began to sink in. I just asked the traitor to keep an eye out for a traitor. He now knows I'm suspicious and will tell the heroes who will be planning every possibility to their benefit. Here we go...

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