Chapter Eight

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I was really glad to be involved in class 1-A and the little family they had become although my father didn't rest until I knew and remembered exactly why I was here in the first place. UA high school. My one and only true dream since I was old enough to talk and yet the only reason I made it was through manipulation, abuse of power and lies. I was in a school for heroes because a villain put me here. Everytime I finally felt like I belonged, my father would slip into my thought process and remind me just how much of a fraud I truly was.

Anyway... it's now Friday. Tomorrow, I've promised to go back to the base but for today I could keep living this luxurious lie.

"Ah! Young Shimura! I feel I have seen you recently!" All Mights booming voice echoed through the empty corridors, forcing me to turn around and demanding all attention.

"Sir, we spoke yesterday."

"Did we?" He questioned, retracting the previous days events, "Ah yes! Indeed we did!"

I nodded gently in response, "Now, I really should go - I have English and don't want to keep Present Mic waiting."

"Of course, of course! We can train tonight!" He bellowed, his grin obnoxiously wide.

I smiled, bowing my head ever so slightly before turning and rushing towards the English classroom. I didn't care for English or Present Microphone however I did want to get away from All Might. Thé more time I spent with him, the more information I collected. Staying away from him was the best way to stall my father and prevent his plans from taking place for as long as I possibly could.

As much as my father is family, he is also a vile, wrenched old man who doesn't understand a good thing until he loses it... including my mother. That's why I won't stray from him, not yet at least. I want to at least try to change his mind before running away and abandoning him like that green haired bitch did.

Suddenly, I found myself falling to the ground. My thoughts had clouded my mind and made me bump straight into another green haired annoyance in my undeniable existence. "Midoriya! I apologise..." I muttered.

He smiled at me, getting back to his feet before lending me a head to pull me up, "It's fine, honestly! If anything I should be apologising to you. I allowed my thoughts to cloud my mind." He finished his words with an embarrassingly awkward chuckle.

I stared at him a while, finally recognising the likeness between us. "That's quite alright, I must admit I did the same." I smiled gently, nodding at him as he pulled me to my feet. "I've got to ask though, where are you going? English is that way." I pointed behind him.

He scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment, "Ah, I'm on my way to see Recovery Girl... I broke a bone in training yesterday."

"Oh so All Might is still training you?" I smiled, as though to say 'I told you so.' It was only Tuesday that we had an argument about me taking all All Might time and attention so he could never train Midoriya anymore. I guess he was wrong!

"No..." He sighed. Awh crap! I hate being wrong. "When I asked him to train with me I was sent to Gran Torino... who is a lot tougher when it comes down to training."

"Tougher than All Might?" I scoffed, remembering the amount of bruises scattered all over my body.

"Yeah..." Midoriya sighed, "Anyone! Got to go... good luck in class!" Just like that he had zoomed past me and out of sight.

I simply shrugged, continuing my walk to class but in a much calmer state than I had before. What was the point of rushing to English? Wasn't like anything important was going to happen there - I wasn't about to get important information while learning about the metaphor of life or whatever bullshit Mic had planned for today.


"FIGHTTTTTTTTTT!!" Sero shouted from the English classroom door.

Holy shit...

I ran over as fast as I could, pushing past him and into the classroom. I was met by quite the sit! My eyes first landed on Present Mic, who was stood tall and angry upon his teacher desk, then onto Bakugo who was, surprisingly, not a part of the actual fight happening just behind him between Monoma and Kirishima. Mina was filming the entire thing from on top of Aoyamas desk who was sat peacefully drinking tea. Todoroki was also oddly calm, slurping up his soba as he stared out the window as though this was a normal occurrence... oh wait... it was. Many students weren't paying attention but those who were, (apart from Tenya Iida who was yelling at the top of his lungs for every to calm down), were very much encouraging the fight.

Maybe I was wrong about English?

"SILENCE!" Present Mic screamed, his quirk very much active. Instantly, everyone was too busy covering their ears to continue whatever the situation was. "Finally... thank you. Now sit down and Monoma go back to your class! I will be speaking with Vlad King about your actions today."

Monoma groaned as he made his way to the classroom door and into the corridor, glaring at everyone who had the audacity to even glance in his direction.

"Now." Mic sensei began again, "We are all going to sit down, in our usual seats and move on as though nothing has happened... Kirishima, don't think this will go unpunished."

"Yes Sensei..." Kirishima mumbled, keeping his gaze on Bakugo Katsuki who was minding his own business.

I rushed to my seat, leaning over to talk to Denki, "Psst! What was that about?"

He glanced back, "Monobro told Bakubro that Midobro was better but Bakubro didn't care so then Monobro went on about how it's Bakubros fault All Might-...bro?... lost his quirk then Kiribro punched Monobro."

I took a second to process his words, deleting any trace of 'bro' from my mind completely. "Kirishima attack to protect Bakugo?" I asked, simplifying his explanation as much as I could.

"Exactly, Shimabro!"

I cringed at the nickname, instantly turning back to the front of the class and paying most my attention to the lesson. Although, half way through the painfully long hour I glanced back at Yuga who was doing very well at pretending nothing happened. I still couldn't trust that guy, not with any bone in my body but he seemed to afraid to say anything... maybe it was better this way.

The rest of the day went uncomfortably quick. By the time lessons were over, my anxiety was sky-rocketing. First thing tomorrow morning I would be going back to the bar, hoping they will believe whatever story I can come up with. I'd been away for 4 days now, whatever my excuse was it would have to be good.

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