Chapter Eleven

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Kinda done with this rn ngl

Monday morning, I left the bar before anyone else even woke up. I was already near UA by 5:00 which was exactly the time that cafe shop opened. As much as I didn't want to deal with the weirdo from earlier, I also didn't feel like sneaking onto campus so early in the morning.

As soon as I walked in, the same worker as last time spoke up, "Coffee, one milk?" She asked, wiping over the counter.

I was a little freaked by the way she remembered my order when I had only been here once but nodded anyway, "Yeah...." I placed the money on the counter infront of her before climbing up onto one of the tall stools at the customer side of the counter. "Who are you?" I asked, watching her as she made my drink up.

She smiled softly, her teeth hidden, "My name is unnecessary information, Shigaraki."

I gently slapped her wrist, "Stop that! Somebody might hear you, creep."

She chuckled, "Do you see anyone else around?"

I kept quiet, no. Nobody was anywhere near - even the streets outside were silent and I didn't hear anyone in the back.

The drink was placed down infront of me, "So... do you normally sneak around near UA this early in the morning?" She asked, their question much too personal for my comfort.

"You won't be getting answers until I know who you are."

"Asked your father, Shigs?" Their tone was cocky and a smug smirk was very prominent on her face.

"If you know who I am then I assume you know who my father is, doesn't exactly make time for such questions." I rolled my eyes, taking a sip of the boiling hot coffee.

They nodded grabbing her own drink from behind them, "Alright, I get it - you ain't gonna let me in."

I scoffed, "Maybe if you told me your name, you'd have more a chance."

They sighed deeply, "Alice."

I nodded, holding the silence for a while as I took a sip of my drink, "I thought you were more the mad hatter type."

She rolled her eyes with a gentle smile which was actually rather sweet. "Yeah, never heard that one before." The sarcasm was obvious but made me laugh uncontrollably. "How... not so villain of you."

"What? Laughing?" I scoffed, "plenty of villains laugh! My father laughs!"

"Yeah, I know but they do an evil laugh, yours is... nice." She explained.

I wasn't sure if I should blush or be highly offended. I decided on both. "I am not nice."

"I saw you talking to Hawks last time you were here. Sure you're not a hero?" They questioned.

I fell silent. Of course I was a villain! Not necessarily by choice but I was a villain!!

"My father would kill you if he heard you say that." I scoffed.

They let out a laugh, "Yeah, I know."

"Most people do..."

"Most people know your father?"

"No I just mean-... nevermind." I sighed, glancing up at the clock. It had only been 15 minutes.

After a few moments of silence, they spoke again "So, you going to shapeshift again?"

I felt the shivers going down my spine again, "I really don't like how much you know about me."

"You know my name."

"I know your first name." I corrected.

"Alright," She began, "Im Dabis friend... acquaintance? I don't know what we are. But that's how I know you."

"Ah, Dabis friend." I laughed, picking up my drink and sliding off the stool, "In that case, I'll be leaving."

"What!? Why?" They asked, grabbing my wrist but I simply shook their hand away.

A lips curved upwards ever so slightly, "The league might be idiots but I'm not, I can see through acts." I then left the cafe without another word.

3rd person for a bit :))

'Crap.' Alice thought, pulling off the apron that was classed as work uniform and rushing to grab their phone.

💬Alice: Guys, We have a problem!

💬Dabi: Yeah, I know. I've been a bit too busy to message but I KNOW.

💬Alice: Okay, what's your problem?


💬Aizawa: Telekinesis...?

💬Dabi: That's what I said wasn't it? 😒

💬Mic: Wait - Like - Telekinesis student?


💬Hawks: Okay, deep breaths there buddy. 👀

💬Dabi: Stfu Keigo.

💬Midnight: Wow, "true love" 👁️👄👁️

💬Alice: Okay... well Yua Shigaraki knows who Dabi is.


💬Dabi: 😒
                 Anyway, I'm packing now.

💬Aizawa: Bad idea.


💬Aizawa: No, but his daughter is in my class. If you run, we're all in danger.

💬Endeavour: since when was his daughter in UA? Do I need to take Shoto out?

💬Alice: Istg someone shut him up.

💬Hawks: dream fr

💬Midnight: If only he wasn't such a good hero

💬Mic: Isn't being a bad person enough?

💬Dabi: WISH

💬Alice: Anyway, Endeavour let me catch you up - Yua Shigaraki and Yua Shimura both havé a telekinesis quirk and Shigaraki keeps coming into my cafe early morning after not being in the dorms the night before. When Shimura isn't in the dorms, Shigaraki is at the bar, when Shigaraki isn't at the bar, Shimura is at the dorms. We have recently realised they are the same person. Got it?

💬Endeavour: I'm still considering removing Shoto from UAs care.

Alice rolled her eyes, turning the phone off and rushing towards UA in hopes of speaking with Principal Nezu, who usually would be answering messages by now.

They would be lying if she ever said Yua wasn't attractive in her eyes but the survival of heroes was more important than a pathetic, idiotic, forbidden crush.


In class btw lol

Principal Nezu sat sipping his tea in rather splendid fashion as he gazed out onto UA campus. I quickly shapeshifted as I stood in front of his office door.

Knock knock knock.

He spun around in his chair, sending a soft smile my way as he took another sip of his tea, "Good Morning, Miss Shimura. May I help you?"

"Yes, I believe there is a traitor to the heroes and... you need to know." My voice was shaky as I remembered the stories my father had told me. Instantly I had caught his attention as he urged me to go on. "I recently learned a cafe worker going by the name of Alice is conspiring with the villains... she admitted it to me herself."

I couldn't explain the level of relief I felt when I realised the animal - in charge of a whole hero school - had no idea who sat directly infront of him.



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