Chapter Twelve

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"You can get rid of the disguise now, Shigaraki." Aizawa announced as he came strutting into the classroom. "Nezu thought we could trust you but now we know what you did to Mineta and there will be consequences."

Okay, So I messed up - I can admit that.

Haven't talked in a while have we? Let me catch you up a bit-

After last chapter, I thought Nezu had believed me - that was the act he had put on at least. I now realise how wrong I was. Over the past three days, I have had the absolute joy of: continuing to live the hero in training fantasy; beating All Might in training; becoming top of class 1-A in both academics and physical strength (which has seemed to scare them drastically); getting Hawks away from the league; saving a couple of villain lives; considering what type of life I actually wanted; helping Dabi pack his belongings away and ending it off by killing Mineta. Oh- and someone told the heroes my true identity, hence the 'Shigaraki' name.

I was now sat comfortably at my desk, looking myself instead of a Shimura.

"We are going to look into this after class, I have called upon the pro heroes to make sure you can't get away so there is no point trying."

He continued the lesson after a small speech but I didn't care. How could I? I always wanted to be on the heroes side, which was something I had accepted approximately an hour ago, and this was my chance to convince them I wasn't like my father (yes I know- probably should have killed a hero in training if that was my plan), to tell them all the awful things he did, he made ME do and-

"I bet you looked beautiful while doing it." Denki cuts me from my thoughts, obviously referring to Minetas... passing.

"I Did." I teased, confidently.

"Oh yeah?" He grins. This was the first time I had responded to his flirting other than 'shut up' or something along the same lines. Oh yeah- that started while you were away too.

"Yeah." I replied, smugly, "infact, I was rather breath-taking."

He gazed into my eyes , a goofy grin very prominent on his face. "Gods, I bet!" He winks.

I can't help but chuckle at how oblivious he was to my pun. "Well- I certainly did take his breath away." I lowered my voice, winking back.

His eyes widened when he realised what I meant before letting out a very awkward chuckle and slowly backing away from the conversation. Cute.

Denki Kaminari, for some reason, was the only person not to be deterred by my position as All For Ones daughter. Instead he was even more irritating and chatty than usual.

The lesson went on rather typically. Of course, people were weary of me and Mina had stopped turning to me at every chance she got. Aoyama refused to reply with the excuse of 'not wanting to cause suspicion.' I couldn't agrue with him, of course, my father would go manic if both his spies were kicked out. Either way, it ended just as quickly as any other.

I sat peacefully in my chair as I watched everyone else flee to the cafeteria for lunch time.

Eraserhead approached me, "So... a second Shigaraki?" He asked, beginning the conversation while we waited for the other heroes to come in.

"I'd argue I'm the first... Tomura was adopted after all." I couldn't help but scoff.

"Perhaps but he's older?"

I took in a deep breath, "We both know that I'm not here to talk about the dynamics of my family." Aizawa took a long pause as some heroes entered the classroom. "I'm not my father by the way." I rolled my eyes, gesturing towards the amount of security.

"We know you're not but the problem is we don't know who you are." Eraser explained to which I tilted my head in confusion, "I mean... how much of your Shimura life was a lie?"

I smiled gently, "Just the Shimura part."

"Bit more detail next time?" Nezu smiled down at me from All Mights head.

"I'm sorry about the Mineta thing but was I really meant to just... let him continue? He's been a creep to everyone ever since I got here. Even Ms Midnight!"

They all directed their attention to Midnight, "She's not wrong..."

Suddenly, Hawks came flying through the window, breaking the glass and rolling inside, "Hey."

"Hawks, why are you here?" Aizawa asked, looking completely drained.

"Right, yeah, about that- I was patrolling outside like you asked us to when Endeavour told me that Touya told him I should tell you that Yua Shigaraki could be a good person." As he spoke, the hero used many hand expressions. I had to hold Im a laugh at his extravagant motions.

"So what, we just give her another chance after she murdered a student!?" Mic questioned in complete disbelief.

I decided to speak for myself again, "Under my fathers orders."

"... go on..." Nezu was listening intently.

"He said I had to start killing off the students to make his opposition weaker... and if I didn't then he'd burn this school to the ground... personally." I glanced across each face before continuing, "I figured Mineta was a better option that Midoriya Izuku... wouldn't you agree All Might?"

His mouth opened slightly, "Well... um..." speechless. The number one hero was speechless.

"Oh and he plans to attack soon, take All Mights quirk with him and reveal my brothers identity."

"Your brothers identity?" Eraser questioned.

"Yeah... Tenko Shimura? That one's real but he has no intention to ever be like his grandmother... not anymore." I smiled at them.

After a moment of silence, Nezu asked, "So... if we were to give you another chance. What would you do?"

"Take down my father." I admitted, "I know all his weaknesses, his skills, his intelligence. I could easily come up with a plan."

"Do you have a plan?" All Might questioned.

I shook my head, "Not yet... I'm working on it."

"One last chance." Nezu stated, his words were definite with no room for argument and I couldn't help but smile.

"But sir! She killed a student!" Mic protested.

"And if what she says is true then she saved us all by doing it." Aizawa explained, "I'll keep an eye on her."

My grin widened uncontrollably as I watched most the heroes leave. Finally.

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