Chapter Nine

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I sat calmly on my bed and awaited Kurogiris warp portal. I could walk straight out of UA without any questions now it was the weekend but since my meeting with pro hero Hawks, my father wasn't overly fond of the idea. I had already made sure to shift back to my natural appearance, simply hoping nobody came to my door.

6:34: the purple mist arrived in the center of my dorm room. Here we go...

I walked through, coming back out to see everyone staring at me... everyone apart from my father and Dabi. As usual, All For One was hiding away in his office and Dabi just didn't care enough to look up.

"Hey..." I sighed, processing the fact they were all up so early.

"Where have you been!?" Tomura questioned, removing a hand from his face and creepy towards me threateningly.

"Father sent me on a mission, did he not tell you Tommy?" I asked, acting innocent while teasing my adopted brother.

"Watch it asshole." He snarled, sticking the hand back to his face - those things still creep me out.

"Soooo~ you're back now?" Toga questioned, seeming excited but also nervous. Pathetic.

I rolled my eyes, "For the weekend." After a few more questions, I was able to get them all interested elsewhere so I could finally speak to Dabi. "Got anything to tell me?" I asked.

He glanced up, stopping the flames from his hand that he had been so entranced with a moment earlier, "Uh... Hawks joined us?"

I nearly chocked on the air around me, "PARDON!?" I yelled, instantly catching everyone's attention again. I glared around, threatening each and every one of the rookie villains to mind their own business.

"Yeah, Boss approved of it." He shrugged, as though allowing a pro hero into the league of villains was a normal event from Tomura.

"Whatever..." I scoffed, looking around for Hawks before refocusing my attention to what really mattered right now, "I meant about the... traitor." I whispered the final word.

"Oh right, yeah. I don't know- nobody's exactly suspicious yet."

"Dabi it's been four days!!"

"I know, princess and nobody's been suspicious yet." He put a reassuring hand to my shoulder, "You said it yourself, you can trust me!" Just like that, he rose to his feet and walked out the bar without another word.

The problem was, I couldn't trust him. INFACT he was the only one in this place I couldn't trust at all. I fought the temptation to shout at him or tell him how I know, not wanting to mess up any other plans but now... now I knew I had to keep an eye on him and the red winged bird.


"Father, you wished to speak with me?" I questioned, closing the door as I entered the peculiarly decorated office.

AFO spun around in his desk chair, smirking at me, "Yes my dear daughter," He began, rising slowly from the seat and creeping closer, "I assume you have put a file together?" He questioned, extending his hand to me.

I had made the file. It was filled with all the information I was able to gather during my first week at UA although, I must admit, I was surprised to realise how little I wanted to give to him. "You can enter my mind at any given moment and I still need to make information files for you?" I scoffed, stalling for time while I came up with a plan.

"I may be able to become your thoughts but I cannot read them, Yua. You should know that by now." The scolding was light but definitely there, "Now," he reached out a hand again, "Give it to me."

I lowered my head ever so slightly, "I apologise, father but I had forgotten. I will prepare it for tomorrow."

He looked at me with disgraced disappointment. "Fine. You're excused." He snapped back around, his back now facing me as I walked out the office and straight up to my bedroom.

I reached into the satchel I had taken down with me on purpose, grabbing the perfect, full file from inside it. This was going to be a long night and I knew it.

Throughout the next few hours, I read each and every page of the file and created a replica while leaving out the most important of information: the parts that would actually help him. Once finished, I ensured to hide the original under my clothes in the farthest corner draw of my room before slipping the new copy into the satchel - prepared for the following day.

'Why am I doing this?' I wondered, staring up at the ceiling as I lay comfortably on the bed. Perhaps I wanted an excuse to stay at UA longer? Maybe I really was becoming rebellious? Whatever it was that motivated me, I had never - EVER - betrayed my own father yet here I was... fully prepared to lie to his scarred face.

There was a knock at the door, "Hey... can I come in?"

"It's open isn't it?" I rolled my eyes, sitting up in bed just as Kiyoki entered the room. "Anzai." I stated, emotionless.

She scoffed, "What has gotten into you lately?"


"You used to be so kind, then you were obsessed with this league and now you just disappear for four days!?" She paused a second, collecting the words in their mind, "Nobody heard from you. You didn't even message."

"Ah, my utter apologies but I don't make a habit out of texting people who fear me." I say, sarcastically.

"I don't fear you!" She remarks.

"I know - I just don't like you very much." I shrugged, shooing her away and towards the door.

"God you really are a bitch." And like that, she left in silence.

I shrugged off the unwelcome feeling and made my way onto the rooftop/balcony I had created. Watching the skies, I realised Hawks made a habit of coming around these parts even before he, apparently, 'joined us'. Currently, he was sat on the main roof with his legs dangling over the edge and a piece of paper in his hands.

I rushed towards the wall as I heard footsteps approaching him, hoping to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"What you got there, birdbrain?" It was Dabi.

"Some kid drew me this after I saved their balloon!" The chicken explains with a proud grin plastered across his already irritating face.

"The wings are way too big..."

"Not the point." Hawks sounded like a toddler, followed by Dabis low chuckle.

"Yua is asking questions." He said in a hushed tone.

They were quiet for a moment before Hawks spoke in a comforting way, "That's why I'm here, Touya. Next time she asks, I'm the traitor. Okay?"

I tried to keep listening but their voices began to drown out as my mind was whirling. My suspicions were confirmed but... Touya? Where had I heard that name before?

"I love you Keigo."

OH MY... my thought chain was instantly broken.

"Love you too Tou."

Suddenly so much made sense. Whenever we had fought the heroes, Dabi wouldn't dare go anywhere near the bird, not even if he was ordered to. Somehow there was always a reason why he should focus on a different hero and now... now all the pieces of the puzzle were coming together in my mind. Now, Hawks late night appearances had a reason. Now, I realised why Hawks had stopped me that time I wasn't in disguise. He knew exactly who I was. Now, I wondered why he just let me walk away. Now...

Now I had more questions than answers.

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