Chapter Six

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Happy New Year Everyone!! 🎉

I decided to stay at the base that night but left early the next morning in order to get to UA in time for classes.

Wishing to actually make progress today, I put aside the chaotic mess that was pulling the league apart as I stepped onto UA grounds.

"Where have you been?" Red wings come flapping down at my side, making my stomach jump.

"Hero Hawks..." I whispered under my breath, spinning around to see him, "I didn't think I'd be seeing you again after the other night."

He chuckled for a moment then shut up, realising I wasn't laughing a long, "I saw you walking and dropped down." He stated simply, confidence slowly diminishing. "Are you okay? I didn't realise you came to yuei."

My eyes drifted to the white strands that rested upon my shoulder - I was yet to shapeshift. I stood on the grounds of Japans most secure hero school with the appearance of All For Ones daughter... no matter what I said it would end up bad eventually. "I don't." I said simply. His expression contorted in suspicion and hands clenched into fists as he prepared to attack - typical hero. I pushed passed him, moving off school property and down the street then into a cafe.

I just had to wait it out in here until the no.2 hero gave up on a possible suspicious figure.

"Can I help you, miss?" The lady at the counter questioned.

'Why not?' I thought, walking towards the counter top. "I'll take a coffee, one milk."

She kept watching me for a moment too long before smiling softly at me and turning to make my coffee. Odd. I kept glancing towards the door and out the window in hopes to see the hero walking away. Nothing.

"Coffee, one milk!" She grinned, gently placing it in front of me, keeping a hold of it for a moment too long. I clasped it in my hand as a sign for her to let go but instead she gently rubbed her thumb against my hand with an uncomfortably suggestive smirk.

I snatched the drink from her hand, placing the money on the counter. "Thank you." I nodded with a blank expression but her smirk doesn't falter, it sends chills down my spine.

It was the kind of smirk that either meant this mysterious stranger knew something I didn't want her to or... well... let's just say I wasn't in the place to get into any kind of relationship like that. I decided on the first option for the time being.

I sat down at a table in a shadowy corner. It was only 5:30 a.m so I had about half an hour before people started waking up at UA. I watched the woman as she continued to work but didn't even look in my direction for a painfully long time.

My phone screen illuminated with a message that I wisely chose to ignore after reading the nickname that flashed across the top:

"Tommy 🩵✋"
Sent you a chat message

"Who was that?" The woman asked, picking up my empty, take-away coffee cup.

I scoffed, "Just my brother."

"Tommy? Is that his real name?" She asked, it gave me an awful feeling that she knew more than she was meant to again.

"No... a nickname. It's called affection." I snapped back, coming off ruder than I intended to.

She chuckled. "So, you going to shapeshift or?"

I took in a sharp breath, glaring at her threateningly. She raised an eyebrow at me then laughed again, "I saw you in an alleyway the other day... you got a thing for dark, dirty alleys or just a coincidence?"

ᴛᴇʟᴇᴋɪɴᴇsɪs...|| 𝘠𝘶𝘢 𝘚𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘬𝘪 (𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘤!!)Where stories live. Discover now