Chapter Fourteen

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Why did it take me this long to realise I've been looking at the seating chart the wrong way?... OH WELL 💀


So... eventually the day came.

Pro heroes, heroes in training, heroes I thought were villains, detectives, police officers, ambulance teams. Everyone was full prepared for what was coming our way and it was all going to follow my plan.

Unfortunately, Yuga Aoyama had made contact with my father about the plans which was something we only noticed as the entire league came towards us, moving in a single unite with Tomura at the front leading them all.

No sign of All For One yet.

The league began to surround us but as fighting and violence spread across the empty area, not a single one came after me.

"🧠I raised you to be an extraordinary villain..." All For Ones voice rings out in my mind as I try to push him away. "So imagine my anger when I check the news to discover you are no more than a pathetic, goody two shoes hero?" This time his voice was in person, directly behind me.

I turn around rapidly, my hair lifting upwards as I spin. I glare at him in disgust, "Do you want to know why I'm so pathetic?" I ask, tears brimming my eyes as I drown out the never-ending fights around us, "so good?... you wanna know what happened to me!?"

He glared down at me before nodding.


You happened to me."

I take in a deep breath, lifting my hand as concrete spikes surround him, locking him in. His scarred face morphing into obvious disgust.

I snapped my fingers, transporting us to a dull room- fully bathed in shadowed darkness.

"Are we alone?" He asked, wicked plans behind his voice.

"For now..." I admitted with a smirk, "Maybe forever..." I lifted my head, smirk still prominent on my face as I looked at him through the side of my eye. "Wanna know a secret, father?"

He nodded slowly, keeping his head up and refusing to look down at me.

"You seem to think All Might made me who I am..." I strode over to the black-painted wall, placing my hand against it and blowing a hole through to allow natural light and... something else... inside. "With all your rants and hard won lessons..." I continue, stalking back over to him.

I couldn't help but worry why he hadn't attacked.

"He wants to kill us, Yua" I mock, "Be what he fears, Yua!"

I couldn't help but let out an exhausted laugh, "but everything was the same... All Might was an awful excuse for a hero."

I drop to the floor, sitting down and crossing my legs with a manic grin, "but he didn't make me rebel..." I leap up, landing on both feet and walking unbelievably close to him, pointing one finger into his chest.

"-... you did."

A red feather came flying towards us, threatening his throat as he paused mid-attack. He wrapped his hand around the feather, recieving a small cut to his palm. But soon recovery as he threw it to the side. "My darling daughter... I thought you knew better than that." I felt my act drop as I realised the man in front of me was losing his care. "Yua, my sweet, I have recently come to the realisation that you are no longer loyal to me."

I gulped down the lump in my throat, slowly backing away as he creeped slowly closer. "Took you this long?" I scoffed, trying to come across as confident.

"Seems it did." He lunged his arm towards me as I instantly felt an uncomfortably tight grip on my throat.

Noticing a small drop of blood on my arm, I quickly began to control it - moving it in a string towards the door to pull it open all while drastically squirming for oxygen. It was obvious All For One hadn't noticed my quirk work as when the door was slung open, he barely noticed the rapid footsteps coming towards us before it was too late.

He was grabbed at either side by the pussycat heroes, Endeavour followed them in with a quirk cancelling collar in his hands. As he approached my father, a twinge of guilt hit me - this man had raised me and I simply stood there, watching heroes take him away.

Although, as a last and final show of violence I was suddenly teleported away from our original situation, opening my eyes to see grey clouds surrounding me as I dropped through them.

I waited and waited for fear to encase me but it never came. If anything I felt relieved. There was no more picking sides, no more obeying my father and I was going to die alone like it was meant to be and like it always will be.

Even a story of hate, rivalry, control and manipulation can have a happy ending.

So that's what this is. This is my happy ending.

I rocketed to the floor with the wind ringing through my ears. I closed my eyes and waited for the impact.

'This is the end! -

- Or maybe not...'

I muttered to myself as a flash of ginger and platinum blonde came crashing into my side.


BONUS scene :)

My eyes fluttered open, bright lights blinding me.

I felt something jumping up gently onto my stomach before leaping back off as I glanced around the room. I first lay my eyes on a black cat with beautiful grey eyes before continuing my gaze across the room.

"Cafe girl." I mumbled upon seeing her dyed platinum blonde hair that she was growing out as the ginger was much more noticeable now.

"Wowwww," she mocked.

We sat in silence for a while, then my attention drifted back to the fluffy cat that now sat on the windowsill, "Where are we and how did a cat get here?" I questioned, not taking my eyes off it's stunning grey eyes with a slight tint of pink.

"Hospital and... I don't know." She explained, now looking at the cat as well.

"It looks so oddly familiar." I muttered.

"Familiar? How so?"

I shrugged, turning away from the animal, "Probably seen it on TV or something." When I glanced back, the cat was already gone, strutting along a branch outside before jumping down the tree. "Hey wasn't I about to die?" I asked, finally remembering what had happened.


Hope you enjoyed this story! :) Thank you so much for the reads, comments and votes!! How did you even reach this far though? Cause I don't even like this story AT ALL 💀

STARTING A NEW BOOK!!! Hopefully better than this one 🥲

Momo x Jirou - 'Little Miss Perfect.'
I highly recommend listening to the song otherwise some referencing won't make sense but HEY 👋🏻 it's going to be fun :)

If there are any marvel fans then why not check out my oc x Loki book I'm currently working on? 'Back from the dead'

Or any of my other books? Just go to my page!! I look forward to seeing you there xx

have a wonderful day, night, week, month, year, life! :)


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