Chapter Three

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I sighed as the purple warp portal closed behind me. I was somewhere in the middle of the woods but the inspiring structure was still visible and unmistakeable.

U.A.. (yūei)... high school for aspiring heroes. What kind of school still uses Latin anyway?

A quiet "Tsk" escaped my lips as I made my way through the dense trees, watching my step and dodging broken branches as I went.

Leaves crunched beneath my clean, new black boots. Eventually, I reached the famous UA gates that stood tall and secure. Walking in, I felt everyone's eyes locked onto me. Using my shapeshifting ability to appear with black hair and dark eyes, I knew it was impossible for any of them to know my identity.

But still...

Something didn't feel right.

I entered the school building to be instantly greeted by a boy with yellow-blonde hair and purple eyes. "Hello," He says simply although his expression showed true nerves.

"🧠That is Yuga Aoyama... a friend." My fathers whisper felt like an ever-growing threat.. a remind of my mission and only person that nobody else could hear.

"Aoyama.. right? You know my father?" I ask him, talking quietly so nobody else could hear.

He nods, still looking around with a nervous aura but all he was really doing was getting us more attention.

"Stop that." I sneer, in the same tone my father uses. "It's make us look suspicious."

He nods his head again, now locking his gaze to the ground. "Um.. follow me, I'll take you to principal Nezu." His voice is shaky and I can't help but question his loyalty to my father.

I followed him, eventually coming face-to-face with the mouse they called "principal".

"Sir.." Aoyama bows his head as I walk through the door. He hits my lightly as if telling me to bow as well but I had greater dignity than to bow down to an animal.

"Ah, thank you... you can leave now, Aoyama." Nezu smiles, sipping his tea as the office chair spins around.

In seconds, my so called 'friend' was gone. Leaving me alone with the oddly powerful rat.

"Greetings, Principal Nezu. My name is Yua Shimura."

He nods, "I know.. your name.. it sounds so.. familiar." He paused often, considering his words.

"Yes, I'm not surprised." I begin, taking a seat opposite his at the desk, "My grandmother was the hero Nana Shimura. Ive wanted to be a hero since I was very young but my fathers always been very against it..." I take a pause, tears getting caught in my throat , "He.. he was murdered 15 years ago along with the rest of my family... I was lucky enough to make it out alive but wouldn't dare come somewhere like this until recently."

He watches me sympathetically- passing me a tissue as a tear rolls elegantly from my eye. "If you don't mind me asking, why was your father so against hero's?"

I wipe my tears with a sniff, "My grandmother rarely had time for him due to her hero work... it turned him cold and he grew a hatred towards the hero society." I take in a deep breath, "He tried to pass it on to his kids but... we all wished to be heroes so..."

Another tears drops, followed my yet another as the water droplets continued to flow and roll down my cheeks just to drop at my jaw.

"I'm very sorry for your loses..." Nezu nods, putting his signature on a piece of paper before pushing it over to me. "Just sigh on the dotted line, please."

I skim over it before signing my fake name.

"Welcome to UA, Shimura." Nezu smiles softly at me, placing the contract into a file then closing the draw and jumping back up onto his chair.

I smile softly, "Thank you, sir.."

"You might as well start today- if you're ready?"

I nod quickly, standing up from the seat and lightly dropping my head with another thank you before rushing out the door.

I wipe away the tears as a smirk comes breaking up to the surface.

"🧠Are you in yet?" Fathers voice echoes through my mind.

"In, accepted and on my way to class..." I explain, my smirk dropping to leave a straight face.

I could almost hear his wicked, evil grin as his presence fades form my thought process.

'Maybe... just maybe... I'd be lucky enough for him to leave me alone today.' I whispered under my breath as I walked down the corridor and towards the classroom labelled "1-A".

I knocked gently on the door and watched through a thin bit of glass as a sleepy, homeless looking guy I knew to be called 'Eraserhead', came walking towards me and swung open the door.

"Shimura?" He asks, exhaustion filling his voice. I nod gently. "Alright."

He holds the door for me as I walk inside. So.. this was the famous class 1-A. They all watched me, some glared where as others looked sweet or curious.

"Brats, listen up!" Eraser calls out, catching everyone's attention, "This is Shimura Yua, your new classmate. I trust you will be welcoming... or don't.. I don't get paid enough to care." He flops down into his desk chair and points to an empty seat inbetween Aoyama and a very bright, cheery, pink-skinned girl.

I nodded, walking through the desks until I reached the back and sat down at the empty desk.

"I'm Mina Ashido!" The girl quickly turns to me with a wide grin, holding out her hand for me to shake.

"Save the introductions for your free time..." Eraserhead threatens, "Shimura, I am Aizawa Shota... Your sensei." He explains, glaring around the room before taking in a deep, fed-up breath and turning to the board, "Now.. on with todays lesson."

Mina groaned, turning back around in her seat so she was facing the front.

I glanced over to Aoyama who was staring down at his bare desk, not paying any attention to his surroundings, "PST!" I hiss at him.

His head snaps up as he looks towards me, "Um.. I- y-yes... uh.."

"Just call me Yua.. although Shimura around the heroes." I explain to which he simply nods, looking back down to his desk.

"Did you need something?... Yua?" He asks, still looking downwards.

"When's All Mights lesson?" I ask, glancing between him and Aizawa to make sure we weren't caught chatting.

"This afternoon..." Aoyama looks up to see Mina glancing over to us "...Shimura." He finishes his sentence with a nod, looking down once again.

I can't help but let out a deep sigh. This kid wasn't loyal to my father. I doubt he was sharing information with these heroes we were surrounded by but his loyalty was not with my family.

Anyone could see that.

ᴛᴇʟᴇᴋɪɴᴇsɪs...|| 𝘠𝘶𝘢 𝘚𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘬𝘪 (𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘤!!)Where stories live. Discover now