Chapter Thirteen

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I went back to the bar that night but it felt so quiet without Dabi there... without Touya there.

Nobody really spoke to me while I was there, I can't say I wasn't glad about it. I had only arrived to collect the sheets filled with future plans before leaving again the next morning. I needed some sort of proof to provide to the heroes before they could all trust me.


"Coffee, one milk?" The unnervingly familiar voice questioned as soon as I stepped in. I had been hoping, praying, they wouldn't be here and yet she was.

I took in a deep breath, preparing myself for whatever conversation would follow, "I was thinking two milks..." I stated simply, placing money onto the counter before going to sit as far away from her as I could.

It was 5:32 to be exact and yet again, I had to pass the time away before going back to UA. Hawks was perched on a rooftop two buildings over. I felt a bit of déjà vu from the last two times I had to hide from the winged hero but this time was different. I wasn't hiding to protect a false identity - I was hiding because he knew my real one. Everyone did. And I was holding the proof they needed to call of the search.

"So," Alice began as she gently placed the coffee infront of me before sliding into the seat across from me. "Is the second milk some sort of symbol? Is Yua Shigarakis dark heart finally opening up to some light?"

"Don't you have other customers to bother?" I scoffed.

"Do you see anyone?" I kept silent, of course I didn't. Nobody came in this early or at least they hadn't anytime I was here. "As I was saying, you haven't answered my messages."

I was taken aback slightly. "I don't remembering giving you my number?" Sarcasm laced my words. I had gotten messages from an unknown number but stupidly she hadn't told me it was her so I just blocked them and assumed it was some creep. Mineta maybe... oh- wait.

"Dabi gave me it..." She mumbled.

I burst out into a fit of laughter, "Alright, hero. Why haven't I heard of you before?"

"I'm not a hero..."

"Quit the shit."

She took in a deep breath, "I work with Detective Tsukauchi..." at last they admitted the links to heroes, "I also told the heroes who you really are so I don't know why you're hiding from Hawks."

"I realised someone spilled the secrets when Aizawa addressed me as Shigaraki after Minetas... unfortunate passing." I held back a chuckle, glancing up at the sky to see Hawks flying away. "Anyway! Must go, students to kill, a mission to complete and... OH! All Might said he wants to train with me... not so sure if that's still on though? Any chance he told you?" Every word was a joke, sarcastic and mockingly bitter.

"Why won't you join the good side?" They mumbled. "Dabi has told me how great of a villain you are and I can tell you'd be just as good a hero if you stopped being your fathers lifeless puppet."

I paused for a second, actually taking in what she was saying, "I know my place." I pushed myself up, grabbing the take away coffee that was practically full still and setting off towards the door.

They grabbed my wrist, pulling me back, "That doesn't mean you need to accept where it's located."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "I never took you for a metaphor kinda person... makes you sound smart."

"I am smart." Her grip loosened on my wrist.

"I can tell." I smiled gently, "I did join the good side as you put it..."

"Then why hide from a hero?"

"Cause they're still meant to be searching for me. I haven't handed over any proof yet." I explained, heading for the door, "that doesn't matter though, I've got a plan."

I rushed out the door, quickly shape shifting into small bird and setting my course towards UA. I soared through buildings before diving over the tall gates of UA grounds. Why didn't I think of this before?

I flew into the highest window in the main school building, deciding it wasn't smart to go into the dorms before class 1-A was spoken to.

It wasn't long before I was able to find All Might and Eraserhead, both speaking about Class As lessons for that day. "HEY!" I shouted down the corridor, flying towards them.

"Did that bird just talk?" All Might asked.

Aizawa rolled his eyes, "It's obviously Shigaraki."

I quickly jumped down, transforming back into my human form during my descent. "I got it, I got the plans - surely they class as proof that I'm on your side?" I asked, catching my breath, "Sorry... didn't realise how tiring flying can be."
I handed over the plans. I had made sure they were filed together so I only had one thing to hand over instead of a hundred papers, "Everything Tomura has planned for the next few months, details on my fathers attack, all the notes they have on you guys. I just took everything I could."

Eraserhead was flipping through them, "Alright, I'll show these to Nezu. Spend today crafting a plan for when All For One arrives and tomorrow you should be welcomed back into class."

"Thank you!" I grinned, feeling completely relieved.


So that's what I did. I spent the entire day making plans and hoping I would be allowed back into UA. It would take some time to regain the trust they all had in me and-... Aoyama.

7:34 p.m and I was running down the corridors of the dorm building, making my way directly to Yuga Aoyama.

After knocking three times, he opened the door looking unbelievably uncomfortable. "Bonjour..."

"We're not going to have a problem, are we?" I asked, trying to seem threatening but the worry was too much to bear.

ᴛᴇʟᴇᴋɪɴᴇsɪs...|| 𝘠𝘶𝘢 𝘚𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘬𝘪 (𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘤!!)Where stories live. Discover now