Chapter 29

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My mate just ran and left me.

He left me in the pack house, on my own.

I knew it was too good to be true.

I knew he couldn't accept what happened to me.

I knew he couldn't accept that I had a daughter.

Puna is angry at him, she is growling loudly in my head.

We are standing in the doorway of the pack house, it feels empty.

I can feel my power surging inside me; I need to get out of here.

I am about to leave but something catches my eye.

On the side before you leave the pack house is a cabinet full of photos but there is one that I am drawn to.

One of Luna Lauren standing with a woman, I know her.

All of a sudden a piercing headache gripped me.

I had to shut my eyes due to the pain, but something like a homemade movie came flooding into my head.


"Please don't kill me," the voice shouts. It's a woman's voice. Her voice sounds familiar.

I looked around and I am in a cell. Well, more like a cage.

The woman looks at me. "You're awake, you ok?" she said.

I looked down at my hands and the rest of me, I'm covered in blood.

I can't tell if it's mine or someone else.


My eyes fly open.

The woman in my vision is the woman in the photo with Luna Lauren.

I go to open the cabinet to retrieve the photo but another photo stares back at me.

This one has Graham in it with his mate, but there's an old man standing next to him with a woman with red hair.

It happens again.

I have a piercing headache, I have to shut my eyes again.


"Get off me," the woman screams.

I know that voice.

I hear her voice in my dreams.

It can't be.

"You will die," a man's voice said, "We don't want your kind with ours."

There is another voice talking, saying the same words over and over.

"Father, I want him to be mine," another voice said and I know this one.

"He will, he is coming to reject her and when he does, this one will die as a result," he said with a snarl. "You gave him the potion, he won't know what he did."

"Please don't do this!" screams the voice.


I opened my eyes again.

I can feel wet on my cheeks, I touch them.

I'm crying.

The voice I heard was my mother, my mother was begging for her life. The image was so real. It was like I was there.

I have to get out of there; I grab the two photos from the frames but the photo behind the two I pick up shocks me to the core.

There in the photo stood Alpha Drake with an older version of himself but they were not alone.

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