Chapter 30

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I had to run out, I was so angry.

Not at her, at the human.

He tortured her, he raped her.

What a sick twisted piece of shit?

Not only that she was pregnant and had his child.

I walked away knowing that she must think I hate her, but I don't.

Axel howling in my head, he's devastated for our mate but also at the thought of everything she went through over the years. I can also feel his anger sweeping in too as he wants to kill that bastard for what he did, and so do I.

I growled loud while still running.

The pack house started to feel like it was going to collapse around us. It was more or less smothering us. I needed to run. Axel wanted out, he wanted to shift.

I ran straight into the forest. I ran for an hour until I headed straight to Kacey and Dale's house.

Whenever I had a problem I would go to them.

Nobody was home.

I sat on the step, looking at my feet.

"Do you still want mates?" Axel asks suddenly.

I sighed.

"I want our mate more now, she shouldn't have been hurt that way," I said.

"What about the pup?" He asked. "I think she will look like her."

I said nothing.

I want to know more about the child but I need to wrap my head around everything she just told me.

"I want to see mate," Axel whined.

I was about to say something when Kacey and Dales came into view, I looked at them.

Both looked at me with a smile on their faces but it fades away when they see my expression.

"Blake, what happened?" Kacey asked. "Where's Izzy?" she looked around the area till her eyes land on me.

I looked at my hands, "I left her at the pack house," I whispered.

"Well that's stupid," Dale grumbled.

I sighed and looked at them.

"I found out her true reasons why she doesn't want a mate," I said, feeling defeated.

"What do you mean?" Lacey asked as she came over to me and sat down next to me.

I sighed.

"I asked her why she didn't want a mate as she has always said she never wanted one," I said, but I turn to look at her. "It's bad; I mean, there is a good reason for why she doesn't trust the whole reason on mates."

"So it's not just about our father's doing," Dale asked, sounding confused.

"Well, he is part of the reason for the way he rejected her mother but something happened after her mother died," I muttered.

"Tell us, Blake, we want to help," Kacey said in a soft voice.

I know I shouldn't tell them but I needed some advice. I began to tell them everything but in minor detail. I didn't go into great detail about the torture or rape, but I told them about the child.

They didn't speak.

Concern and anger filled them.

"Why did you leave her at the pack house?" Kacey blurts out suddenly. "You just left her there, Blake she is going to think you don't want anything to do with her."

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