Chapter 58

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My head hurts.

It's pounding like hell.

I slowly open my eyes to adjust to the sounds and lights around me. Once my eyes were open, I noticed I was on the floor—chains around my wrists. I move slightly and realize that there is one around my neck.

"Are you awake?" Says a voice that should be dead. I look up to see Drake leaning against the wall opposite me with a stupid smirk.

He pushes off and walks to me but doesn't come too close. I can't help but growl. He stops in his tracks, but the smirk stays on his face.

"What's wrong, princess? He says, cocking his head to the side. "You haven't missed me."

I said nothing but glared back at him.

He stares for a moment but sighs loudly. "Well, I'm glad you are awake, as there is someone who has been dying to see you again," he says.

I try to keep my emotions in check, but I know who he is on about, and my heart rate spiked more than just thinking about who.

Drake chuckles. "Considering he is busy at the moment, but knowing that you fear him intrigues me more," he says.

A door opens in the background and an unfamiliar scent wafts towards me. I don't take my eyes off Drake, but something catches my eye, making me turn to look at who has walked in.

Two men were dragging a woman in with chains around her wrists. When my eyes scanned over her face, someone beat her up.

My focus turned to the men who brought her in—they look pale, and their skin grey, but their smell took me a while until I sensed Puna in my head adjust. "VAMPIRES," she hisses out.

I stared back and soon realized that one of them had blood on the corner of his mouth.

They both place the woman on the floor.

"Place her on the opposite side to the beauty," Drake says as he turns back to look at me. He steps closer and kneels in front of me. "You will see him soon enough, and when you do, there will be a few others that want to meet you, sweetheart," he says as his eyes roam over my face and down my body.

He smirks. "I know there are a few people who want to see you and they have many, I mean many, questions for you, but Michael won't have any. He wants you. He always has," he says as moves slowly away from me and turns to the woman behind him and glares at her. "You are lucky that your mate is here. Michael wanted to kill you after the stunt you pulled," he says.

Drake moves away from us but stops suddenly, looking over his shoulder. "Both of you might have loads to talk about since she is the one who charmed the potion that killed your mother and helped Elder Johnson kill her," he says with a smirk.

I turned to look at the woman in front of me, who had been staring back at me with no emotion written on her face since she was placed opposite me.

I could feel Puna stir again, but I look back at her. She looks completely out of it. It seems like my panther has been on a night in the town.

"Puna, you ok?" I ask her.

Puna stares back at me. "I don't... Kn... think," she says, but she shakes her head and lays down so she can see through my eyes. The woman hasn't taken her eyes off us.

I focus on the woman, but she opens her mouth before I can say or do anything. "Drake stuck something in you; he wanted you to be knocked out for a while. It might make your panther groggy and sleepy for a little while," she says as she leans back on the wall. "She needs her rest; when Michael comes, she will want to kill him."

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