Chapter 69

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I look at my daughter, a little shocked, but I don't know if it is to do with the kiss from Blake or what she said.

Blake clears his throat, making me look back at him; he has a smile.

"I hope we weren't interrupting anything," says Kacey with the same smirk she had when she came in.

"I..." I say, but I shake my head to get my emotions in check.

But suddenly, all I could hear in my head was Puna laughing.

"Seriously, Puna," I say to her. "Oh, did you forget we have a witch to kill?"

At the mention of the witch, Puna stops quickly and instantly growls.

I look back at everyone. "Look, I need to kill Helga," I say to everyone.

Once the words leave my mouth, everyone looks back at me, confused, but Lena looks at me with scrunched-up eyebrows. "Izzy, why? She saved..." she says, but I cut her off with a low growl.

"She lied to all of us," I said.

I explained everything in my dream of meeting the Moon Goddess, Clara, Hecate, and my mum. After I told them everything, Alice's eyes grew at the mention of Clara and my mum. "Izzy, that's crazy. Why would they tell you all this?" Alice says as she comes closer to me.

I am getting annoyed with her; she's not listening to me.

"Alice, I need to know," I said. "I need to know if she is telling us the truth, but I know I can figure it out. She wanted the bond removed so it didn't kill her mate, which also gives her the option to live a life with him."

She looks at me and sighs. "I will stay with peanut," she says, looking at Allie.

But Allie shakes her head. "No, I want mummy," she says, snuggling up closer to me.

I look down at her; Puna instantly purrs at the sight of her.

"Allie," I say to her, "Look at me, baby."

Allie shakes her head as she buries her head into me. Blake moves closer to the bed and picks up Allie in his arms. I can't help but watch the scene before me.

Allie looks up at him, and she snuggles into him.

"Angel, Mummy, and I need to talk to the lady, that's all," he says, looking at me. "I will be with mummy while you stay with auntie Alice. We will be back as soon as we are done talking to her and Allie," he says, his eyes leaving mine as I watch him and Allie. He lifts her chin for her to look up at him. "Angel, we will all have ice cream and snuggles."

Allie smiles. "We will," she says and moves slightly to her knees as she comes up to his chin and leans into his neck. She sniffs in his scent and places her head on his shoulder. "You promise you both will be back with me, and we can all have ice cream, even auntie Alice."

A snort came from Alice, but my eyes never left Blake and Allie. My mother was right. He cares about her and me.

"I promise, Angel," he says, moving with her in his arms and pulling her back slightly so she sits on his lap. Allie looks at me with a big smile on her face. "Mummy, be careful," she says, and she leans over to Alice, who takes her from Blake.

Blake gets up and walks around to the other side of the bed; he places his hand out at me. I look at it and place mine in his. I crawl out of the hospital bed.

"Izzy, we going to need more power," blurts Puna into my head.

I sit on the edge of the bed and close my eyes. "I know, we just need to get the witch talking about things, but we won't wait so long as we did with Michael, but we have one element, Lena," I say to her, and I open my eyes to find Blake crouched down, looking at me. "Are you okay, beautiful?" he says as he places his other hand on my knee, which sends tingles everywhere.

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