As the night chilled pt.3

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Y/n sat on the edge of Johnny's bed, her trembling fingers gripping the notebook. The dim lamplight illuminated the pages as she opened it, revealing the familiar lines of the news article she had written.

"In a chilling turn of events, the notorious woman known as "Black Nancy" has resurfaced in the annals of criminal history. Nancy, the enigmatic figure dubbed "Black Nancy," has recently been apprehended for the murder of her latest partner."

The words hung in the air, sending a shiver down her spine. Johnny couldn't hide the intensity of his reaction as he watched Y/n read the lines. His jaw clenched, and his eyes widened with a palpable sense of shock and disbelief.

Johnny, his voice tense with curiosity and apprehension, asked, "Apprehended? What the hell does that mean? Like, caught by the police?"

Y/n nodded and continued reading, her voice trembling.
"Law enforcement officials, however, have uncovered a web of evidence that links her to a series of mysterious disappearances involving men she had been romantically involved with over the years."

Y/n looked up at Johnny, her eyes searching his face for a reaction as she continued to read.

"As the investigation into her case deepens, it has become alarmingly apparent that Nancy's motivations for these heinous crimes go beyond mere wealth. Sources privy to the investigation have revealed a harrowing revelation—Nancy allegedly targeted her partners not only for their financial assets but also for their children."

Johnny's expression remained unreadable, but his eyes seemed to darken slightly as he absorbed the disturbing revelation.

Y/n hesitated, her voice quivering as she asked, "Johnny, should I... should I stop reading?"

Before she could finish her sentence, Johnny cut her off abruptly, his tone laced with anger. "No! Keep reading, damn it!"

"The passage of time has done little to quell the speculation surrounding the missing child. The case has recently experienced a resurgence of interest, as the anguished parents of the boy's mother, once silent witnesses to the horrors of their daughter's fate, have now broken their silence. Their voices are joining a chorus of concerned citizens, amateur sleuths, and armchair detectives who are reigniting theories about the boy's fate."

Johnny brought a hand to his face, as though a fierce headache had suddenly gripped him.

Johnny, still visibly frustrated and appearing somewhat menacing, pressed further, "Tell me, Y/n, how long ago did you write this story?"

Fear still gripping her, Y/n met Johnny's gaze and stammered, "I... I wrote it about six months ago when I had just moved to Texas." Her voice quivered as she tried to gauge his reaction.

In an unexpected turn, Johnny appeared momentarily calm as he hopped off his desk and made his way to his vinyl collection. It seemed like he was searching for something, but then, without warning, he began to hurl his belongings across the room. His voice oscillated between angry yells and stressed laughter, creating a disconcerting symphony of emotions that filled the room. Y/n watched, her fear escalating, as the chaos unfolded before her eyes.

Amidst the wreckage of his room, Johnny suddenly yelled in frustration, "You'd think they'd mention it on the damn radio!" His voice cracked with exasperation as he continued to vent his anger and bewilderment, his emotions spiraling out of control.

Johnny sank to his knees, his gaze fixed on some distant point as he contemplated the unsettling revelation. Y/n, her own anxiety mounting, softly spoke up, "I was one of the few who still followed the case, Johnny. It was like an obsession for me, even though I never thought I'd find myself here."

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