Episode 2 who are you

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While the Knights make there way back to there castle they can't seem to wonder what the king's reaction will be once they tell him they came empty handed. No one at the village had any information on there ancestors they don't want to believe this but the mystery might just never be solved

Knight tre: Carl what's the king gonna do to us when he finds out that we didn't get anything?

Knight Carl: who knows. He might just send us to a farther village up north closer to the mountains.

Knight Tyrone: hey isn't that where the legends are Berried anyways? There has to be someone there who has the information we're searching for.

Knight Carl: you make a solid point Tyrone. Tre what's gotten into you? You speak as if the king will have our head.

Knight tre kept his mouth shut. Timmy hears an echo again and this time it said.

Voice in the echo: remember kid once you get sent to your quarters bring the sword with you. Then I shall show you.

Timmy: show me what?

The knights all stop

Knight Tre: yo who are you talking to kid?

Timmy: what? Oh no one

Knight Tyrone: you're not like going crazy now are you?

Knight Carl: enough all of you leave the kid alone. He's probably just tired. After all he is just a kid.

Knight Tre: why does the king have him on these missions anyways he's not ready.

Knight Carl: we do as the king demands.

Knight Tyrone: if anything he will just slow us down. Maybe even get us all killed in battle due to us trying to keep the scrunt alive.

Knight Carl swoops Tyrone's legs causing Tyrone to fall. Carl pulls his sword and points at Tyrone's throat.

Knight Carl: that. Is enough I will not allow you to speak about the kid that way. That includes the rest of you lot. Now. Do I make myself clear.

Knights: yes.

Knight Carl putts his sword away and walked off without helping him up.

Knight Carl: now let's move it I hate to keep our king waiting

           After a few hours the knight finally made it back to their castle where their king awaits their return. They make it into the weapons room.

Knight Carl: alright knights you know the drill put your swords and armor back into your holding shelf's. They begin to do so but Timmy stands there worried if they're going to catch him keeping it. Suddenly his sword shifts into the size of a pencil and he placed it into his pocket.

Knight Carl: alright let's go talk to the king. But uh ti.. cough rookie- kid you should just go to your quarters the maid will bring you your dinner within the hour.

Timmy: oh..o. Ok.

Knight Carl: sorry kid you're just not ready for the after mission meetings yet.

          :Scene change: Timmy makes it into his quarter and closes his door and slides a plank of wood to lock it so no one will come in. He then takes the pencil sized sword out of his pocket and placed it onto his bed. And kneels  to his knees.

Timmy: What now you don't talk what gives. Great I'm talking to a pencil I have lost my mind haven't I.

Timmy gets up and was about to grab the pencil but it started to shake. It shifted back into the sword and then a flash of light appeared. When the light dimmed he could see a strange life like animal like a hedgehog but silver and was almost human like shaped.

Timmy: whaaa!

Silver: Shhh keep it down kid you don't want anyone hearing right?

Timmy covered his mouth with his hands and nodded his head.

Timmy: this is kinda freaking me out.

Silver: what? oh right I forgot you humans have forgotten that we hedgehogs have a skill to where we can speak amongst humans.

Timmy: you're a freaking animal man.

Silver: look I know this is strange in all but I promise you I mean you know harm. In fact I am your guid to summon the rest of the crew.

Timmy: what. Crew?

Silver: you really don't remember do you cipher

Timmy: who in the GreenHill is that?

Silver: oh man see I knew that this was going to happen. I warned you.

Silver looked at Timmy as he looked extremely confused and freaked out.

Silver: Ok I can explain. But you're gonna wanna go to a place where you know you're not going to be seen with me.

Timmy: why can't the others know about you?

Silver: oh that's an easy one you know that whole information thing they're trying to gather from the town folks?

Timmy: yes?

Silver: Well we are what they are searching for. Wait shh someone is coming.

Silver shape shipped back into a pencil and flipped onto his bed. Timmy heard footsteps from the other side of his door and unlocked his door then rushed over to his bed and snagged the silver pencil grabbed a piece of paper and sat at his desk and pretended that he was writing something.
His door then opens.

Knight Carl: hey Timmy you still awake in her?

He opened the door and saw Timmy at his desk.
Timmy looked over at Carl. And rubbed his eyes.

Timmy: oh hey Carl what's up?

Knight Carl: I brought you some food not sure what happened to the maids. I guess they're skipping out on the nightly routines.

Timmy: that's odd but thank you Carl.

Knight Carl: hey can I ask you something kid?

Timmy: yeah sure.

Knight Carl: so what really happened today you were acting kinda funny as if you were talking to someone. I pretty much saved your life today so it's the least you can do for me.

Timmy sat in silence for a moment not knowing what to do. A voice was heard in the room whispering.

Silver: ok I trust him. Sir could you shut the door and maybe lock it pretty please.

Knight Carl: uh ok what the hell is.

Timmy: you want to know then please shut the door and lock it.

Knight Carl then gets up slowly walks over to the door and shuts it. And slides the plank till locked.

Knight Carl: Alright explanation now

                 To be continued

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