Chapter 19 (New Faces New Enemies)

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Before you start reading this chapter I wanted to say that I appreciate the support on this book so far. And I apologize for the long wait on chapter 19. I've been working a bit to hard on assassin creed and now another book on the side you probably already know it by now I have 10 chapter to it so far and almost ready to post 10 more if you want to go read it if by chance you missed it it's called Halo Lost guardian. Anyways that's it on the update enjoy Chapter 19 (New Faces New Enemies)

**Bluey and Cypher race toward the castle, the air crackling with tension as the sense of danger intensifies.**

As they near the towering walls of GreenHill Castle, they notice smoke rising from within. The castle gates, normally a symbol of strength, are now broken and scorched.

Bluey: *panting* "Whatever's happening inside, it's big. We need to be ready for anything."

Cypher's nervously prepared himself* "Ready or not, it's already here."

Suddenly, a massive explosion erupts from the castle's courtyard, sending debris flying in every direction. In the midst of the chaos, they spot **Tails**, surrounded by **two mysterious figures cloaked in shadow**. One of them holds a strange device emitting an ominous purple glow, while the other seems to be chanting in an ancient tongue.

Tails: "You're too late! They've activated the portal!"

Before Bluey and Cypher can react, a swirling vortex opens up in the sky above the castle. A terrifying roar echoes from within as the sky darkens, and a colossal figure begins to emerge from the portal.

Bluey: "What the hell is that thing?"

Cypher: *gritting his teeth* "I don't know, but we can't let it come through. Tails, how do we stop it?"

Tails: *desperately trying to stabilize his equipment* "You can't stop it now! The portal is drawing power from both dimensions—this creature is a guardian of the void!"

Bluey: "Then we have no choice but to face it head-on!"

As the figure emerges, the ground shakes violently. Its form is massive— it's made of twisted metal and dark energy, a being not from any dimension they know. The creature's glowing eyes locked onto Bluey and Cypher, recognizing them as threats.

The two mysterious figures, still cloaked in shadow, laugh ominously as they watch the chaos unfold.

**Shadow** and **Eggman** arrive shortly after, assessing the situation.

Eggman: "Great, just what we needed—another world-ending disaster. Can't we go five minutes without the fate of the universe being in jeopardy?"

Shadow: *calmly* "We'll deal with it, but first we need a plan."

Bluey and Cypher exchange glances. This is far beyond anything they've faced before.

Cypher: *nodding* "I'll keep the creature distracted. Bluey, you find a way to shut that portal down. Tails, help him however you can."

Bluey: "Got it. Let's go!"

With a sudden burst of speed, Cypher charges at the creature, his aura flaring as he shifts into his full adult form once more. His movements are swift and calculated as he delivers blow after blow to the creature, each punch infused with incredible power.

But the creature absorbs his hits like they're nothing.

Bluey, meanwhile, rushes toward the device the shadowy figures are using to power the portal.

Bluey: "Tails, what is this thing? How do we stop it?"

Tails: "It's using energy from both dimensions to stay open. We need to sever the connection, but the device is protected by a force field!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15 ⏰

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