Previously on GreenHill Kingdom
Eggman: this can't be none of you are supposed to die not like this not yet
Shadow regains consciousness and stands up and sees Ruby repeatedly punching cypher all over his body hitting him like a jackhammer. Shadow darts forward is Ruby, but it's almost as if the robot knew that was going to happen. He catches shadow by the neck and the other robot takes over to beat cypher to a pole
Bluey finally emerges from the trees he lands a heroic way the ground ribbing apart, moving as if it was water, throwing the two robots into the air.
Bluey let out a huge roar and lifts into the air and puts up a really good fight against Ruby and Emerald. Blow after blow he had both of the robots blocking each other moves each punch he gives out sense electrified waves, causing the robots to dismantle suddenly, he claps into the air, exploding the two robots. Bluey lands on the ground and sees cypher laying there not moving he pulls him out of the crater and gives him something
Bluey: please stay with me. I'm so sorry I'm late.
Eggman: and where the hell did you run off to in a time like this you piece of.
Bluey looks up at Eggman with a worried look on his face.
Eggman: don't look at me like that. Where the hell did you run off to when the battle began?
Bluey: I uh. Um.
Eggman: what. You what!
Bluey: sigh. You. Um.
Eggman: spit it out boy.
Bluey: stop shouting.
Shadow: if I may. When we all began to charge I noticed that a portal opened up next to Bluey and it kind of looked like an arm came out of it.
Eggman: what? Do you expect me to believe that?
Bluey: No it's true I was pulled into a portal. I was shown on what could happen if I didn't do what the prophecy is for told.
Eggman: And what might that be. Are you some kind of god or something? Haha that was a good one gods don't exist.
Shadow: you are telling the truth Eggman. That would mean he is a god.
Cypher shoots up he gasped for air. And accidentally head buts blue in the face on his way up.
Bluey: aah god damnit.
Cypher: Sonic.
He sees Eggman and shadow move to the side showing that Sonic is fine and well just asleep leaning up against a tree. Cypher slowly makes his way over to him. And gives him a. Huh.
Cypher: I'm so sorry. god damnit I'm so sorry sonic.
Bluey stands up and walks over to Eggman and shadow. Watching over cypher holding Sonic.
Bluey: cypher. I'm sorry I couldn't be here sooner. I. You see
Cypher starts to steam.
Bluey: I got.
Eggman covered Bluey's mouth. And shadow placed his hand on his shoulder and they both look at him and shook there head.
Eggman: cypher it's going to be alright. Sonic's not even.
The three of them get pushed away by cyphers aura.
Shadow: ugh.
Bluey: crap.
Eggman: where did this power come from.
Cypher's steam turns black. He stands up. His speed almost to fast to see with a human eyes.
Bluey: cypher. What's gotten into you?
Cypher turns around his eyes blood red. He lets out a load roar. It was so load everyone had to cover there ears. When Bluey noticed that cypher was only looking at him terrified him. Deep down even he didn't know if he could handle him at his rage.
Bluey: Cypher don't do this man.
Cypher tilted his neck and suddenly transformed into his adult form. Something was a bit different than the last time he held this form. His body grown in muscles he seems to be jittering. Cypher suddenly seems like he took a step and appeared in front of Bluey scaring him to no end. Cypher tackles Bluey and they both fly off the side of a cliff. Both of them tumbling down the cliff hitting each boulder on the way down. Cypher pushes off of Bluey and lounged himself off a rock and punches Bluey in the face. He went so fast Bluey didn't have any time to react. The site of hundreds of trees being destroyed as Bluey is falling to the ground. He skids across the dirt as he crashes. Cypher lands taking a knee. He looks forward and launched himself once again then takes a huge leap into the air. Right before he could get the pounce on him bluey rolls over avoiding most of the impact but that wasn't enough the impact of cypher connecting the punch on the ground sends the ground into a frenzy throwing Bluey high into the air. As he is souring through the air not able to move in the slightest he hits a tree. He lands on a huge branch to gain some distance. As he regained his focus he noticed cypher is still on the ground. Panting trying to catch his breath. His steam fades out the sight of all the burns it cuased him lead to him in severe pain to the point he passes out.
Bluey: Oh Cypher....i didn't know. You were so powerful.
To be continued
Enjoy your Saturday everyone
Sonic The Hedgehog GreenHill Kingdom
AventureOnce upon a time in a land of mystical beings and human alike all lived together in peace and harmony. There were two kingdoms one which had humans not the kind of humans you see today. These humans had a knowledge that everyone dreamed of having. t...