✧ Hunter exam ✧

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Third POV:

Y/n was on the boat to take them to the hunter exam! Y/n digs in their backpack pulls out their MP3 player and earbuds puts them in their ears and starts listening to their music. they looked up to see a boy wearing a green outfit with spiky black hair.

'Wow...That outfit is so UGLY AND COOL at the same time?!?' they stared at the kid until he turned to them and then they quickly looked away. 'OH. MY. GOD!, he almost caught me looking at him!' have they turned the slightest pink.

A few hours went by and the kid that predicted some storm because he smelled and understood the seagulls. Y/n, Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio we're the only one standing everyone else passed out because of the storm.

 Y/n, Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio we're the only one standing everyone else passed out because of the storm

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Y/n was just sitting on a bucket while listening to their music and drawing on a book. They noticed the boy with the green outfit helping somebody.

'he's incredible...' Y/n thought as they felt my heart skip beat before they punched it.

' Y/n thought as they felt my heart skip beat before they punched it

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"First, tell me your names." "I'm gon!" "Y/n!" "I'm Kurapika." "It's Leorio." "Why do you want to become a hunters?" "Hey! if you're not an examiner, you can't boss us around!" Leorio said. "Just answer the question."

"My dad is a hunter! I left Whale Island because I want to know, why my dad decided so much to be a hunter!" Gon said. "I want to be a hunter to be stronger than my parents!" Y/n said. Gon turned to them and smiled they smiled back awkwardly.

"Hey! Kids! "Huh?" "Wha-" "You're not supposed to answer his question!" "Why can't I tell him why I'm here?" "Yeah, it's not a secret!" "Look get with the program it's US vs. him and I'm not telling him why I'm here!" he yelled as he poked Gon's forehead.

"I'm afraid I have to agree with Leorio," "Mm?! That's Mr Leorio you brat show a little respect for your elders!" "Why not dodge the question? by simply offering a prosperable lie." "HEY ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?!"

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