※ Greed island ※

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Third POV:

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Third POV:

"I don't like being formal, so you can just call me Bisky. In return, you must obey every word of what I teach you." Bisky explained.

"No way. And no, thanks. We're not desperate enough to beg a total strangers to train us! Say something, Gon! Y/n!" Killua yelled out.

"We already have Mr. Wing," Gon said. "Oh! Yeah, that's right we have Wing!" Y/n exclaimed. "Right! We already have a master, and we didn't need anyone else to teach us," Killua said.

"Wing? You mean that little boy with the messy hair and glasses? The one who never tucks in his shirt?" Bisky asked. "YOU know him?!" Y/n yelled out.

"Do I know him? Wing's one of my students." Bisky said. "That's awesome!" Gon and Y/n exclaimed. "So he's become a master now? I guess time really flies. Does that mean you're pro Hunters?" Bisky asked.

"You've both passed the secret exam?" "Yep!" Gon said as Y/n nodded. "That really takes me back. Well, I'm essentially your master's master, so you shouldn't have any problems with me teaching you!"

"Wow! You've been an examiner for the Hunter Exam?" Gon exclaimed. "Assuming that she's telling the truth!" Killua screamed. "You're a stubborn little boy. I like seeing this in kids." Bisky pointed at his chest.

"You said that you weren't desperate, right? Book!" Bisky summons her book and takes out a card. "That card?" "Look carefully." She said.

"It's a normal card that doesn't go in a specified slot. The problem is that there are a lot of people who could have observed this card easily, while you three could not. If you run into someone who's strong and has evil intentions-" Bisky gasped.

"Sit down. Pretend that we're chatting." Bisky ordered as the kids did what she said. "There's an enemy behind me. Don't try to sense him out. He'll notice." She said.

"How did you senses him?" Killua asked. "He let a tiny bit of his bloodlust leak out. The enemy let it slip for a second because he saw bunch of kids" Bisky explained.

"Doesn't that mean he's weak since he let it slip?" Killua said. "But he immediately concealed his presence again. It was only the slightest amount of Bloodlust, and he quickly concealed it, so he's very experienced."

"What should we do?" Killua asked. "What do you think?" Bisky asked. "The four of us should stick together," Gon said. "Why do you say that?"

"I'm guessing he tensed up again because there are four of us. If we stick together, he'll think twice before moving." Gon explained. "Yeah, I agree." Y/n nodded.

"Well, you're right. But that's not what we're going to do. If I go off on my own, the enemy is one hundred percent guaranteed to target me. I'll go south. You guys head north. Walk five hundred meters without concealing your presences. Aim for that pillar. Once you get there, use Zetsu then rush back immediately!" Bisky explained.

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