※ Greed island ※

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Third POV:

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Third POV:

"Hey, that's your target right over there tycoon, Mr, Battera," Zepile said, pointing at an old man walking towards the auction as a crew of paparazzi followed him.

'He's not a hot guy so I don't care about him.' Y/n thought as they headed inside to take their seats as the auction was about to begin.

"Our next item is the Fable game known as Green Island and it has a mysterious power let's take a look!" The woman said as she stepped away from the game. A guy with a big hammer tried to smash it but the console was protected by Nen.

"Now as I'm sure all of you can plainly see a mysterious power protects the console from any damage well, as long as someone is playing inside the game that is. Let's start the bidding at 900 million Jenny!"

People quickly started bidding with their hands. "So you use your hand to tell her how much you want to bid?" Gon asked. "Yeah, The auctioneer looks at the crowd's hand signals to discern the highest bid instantly," Zepile answered.

Mr. Battera bids 12 billion Gon curiously puts his thumb up just like he did. "what's this mean?" Gon asked innocently. "#201 double it again, to 24 billion!" The auctioneer yelled. Gon and Y/n as looked confused about what just happened. "YOU IDIOT!" Zepile yelled.

"#16 bids 15 billion!" Zepile and Y/n exhaled in relief. "Whew! That was close!" Gon said. when the auction was over the kids went over to Mr. Battera's private room to ask him a question.

"Excuse us, but the two of us are hunters," Gon said. "We're willing to offer our help clearing Greed Island," Killua said. The old man's bodyguards got in front of the kids immediately. "That's real funny why don't you three run along."

"We're not lying we are professional Hunters!" Y/n offended. "Sure you are." "I assume you have a hunter's license?" The old man asked as he walked through his bodyguards. "Yes sir!" Gon said. "It's at the pawnshop remember?" Killua reminded.

"What a surprise I knew they were lying!" One of The Bodyguards said. "No, we're not!" Gon and Y/n yelled. "Hold on, moment the fact that you are here at the auction here in the first place tells me you or no ordinary children however I can't take your word at face value I am looking for higher professional hunters in order to clear this game, that much is true but I'm afraid I simply can't hire either one of you at this time because there's a limit to the number of players you see." Mr. Battera explains.

"The number of players is limited?" Gon said. "Each memory card only has the capacity to store one player's data with multitabs you can have a maximum of eight players per console." Mr. Battera explains.

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