✧ Hunter exam ✧

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Third POV:

The teenager made it safely to Zaban City. Gon and Y/n were looking around all the stands and they were both interested. "What do you think you're doing?!, Gon, Y/n! Let's go!" Leorio yelled at the two. "Right!" Gon said as he ran.

"Yeah, yeah, don't you get your panties in a twist." Y/n whispered to themselves as they followed Gon.

"Here we are I'm pretty sure, that's the building." The navigator said pointing to a building. The building was huge and beautiful. "It's so tall!" 'That's what she said-' y/n thought.
"Wow, what a nice place!" Gon said.

Leorio and Karapika walk closer to the building. "So that's the Exam site, huh? And this is the crowd that it draws." "Hunter applicants from across the world congregate here." "My first shot at the hunter exam! I wonder if this is how Dad felt!" Gon said. 'this is where I'm going to surpass them!' Y/n thought.

"Hey, guys! Over, here this is it!" He said as he pointed to a restaurant. "Come on you're messing with us, right? It just looks like a regular restaurant. You're telling me that hunter applicants from all over the globe come to this old dive to take the exam?" Leorio said. "That's exactly right." "Huh?" They all said.

"The Hunter Exam attracts millions of applicants every year. And no one would expect the exam to be held here, right?" "Good point," Leorio said as they stepped inside the restaurant.

"Welcome! Take a seat!" "Is the back room available?" "what are you having?" "The state combo, please. The one that'll make us see the light make it four." "Combo for four, eh? How do you want 'em cooked?" "Grilled slowly over a low flame 'til done, please." "Got it. See yourselves to the back room."

We walked towards the back room and we entered a room with a table with four chairs. "Okay, wait here." "For what? Where are all the other applicants?" Leorio said.

"I can't wait for that steak combo!" Gon said. Y/n and Leorio chuckled. "Gon, that was just a password to get us inside. "There's no steak combo," Kurapika said. "Okay, so, we don't get to eat."

"Only one in ten thousand. You're very lucky that's how many ever made it this far. Nice job. You did great for your first-timers. Well, good luck to you!"

"Thanks for your help!" Gon shook his hand with Kiko's son. "I hope that next year I can help you again." He said as he left the room his last words made Y/n mad 'HOW DARE HE ASSUMED THAT WE'LL END UP FAILING!'

As soon as he left the room started moving it was an elevator. "It seems this room is an elevator," Kurapika said as they all sat down around the table. "That explains it. The bastard thinks he'll see us again next year because he expects us to fail." Leorio said.

"Once every 3 years." "what's that?" "It's how often a rookie passes the exam." "It's that unusual?" Gon said. "It is, some can't handle it it's too mentally and physically taxing. It's also not too uncommon. For veterans to break the rookies so badly that they never retake the test." Kurapika said.

"So that's why people who want to be hunters are willing to risk everything for it," Gon said. "You've hit the nail right on the head my little friend! Being a hunter means making more money than anyone in the world!" Leorio yelled. "WRONG! People become hunters to join the world's most noble profession!" Kurapika argued. "SHUT UP GOODY-GOODY!"

Y/n was zoned out and listening to their music while Gon, was just sitting there watching the two. As they were arguing Y/n noticed that Gon was a little uncomfortable so they put one of their earbuds and one of Gon's ears.

The two idiots turned to the children and yelled "Hey, Gon! Y/n! Which of us do you agree with?! What kind of Hunter do you two want to be?!" "Well, when you put it that way I guess...I..." The elevator finally stopped just in time.

Y/n's POV:

"I think we're arrived." "We'll finish this later." Me and Gon sigh with relief. The elevator doors opened and we all walked into a room full of applicants. All the applicant's eyes were on us.

I breathe in the air to smell the sweat and cheap ass perfume. 'people are already sweating?!'

"Is it me or is the mood here pretty grim?" "We saw plenty of other applicants in the city but these guys are different. Each one of them is a master in their rights."

"Excuse me!" Gon said as all the applicants looked away from him. "Looks like everybody's really on edge down here." "Hello!" A little bean person said. "Please take your number badge thank you!" Leorio took the badge. "Here you go." It says to Kurapika.

"Here!" It finally said to Gon and me. Gon got number 405 and I got number 406. "Be sure to wear this on your chest at all times, please, and be careful not to listen, okay?" It says as it walks the way.

"Don't think I've seen you guys before!" Some fat-ass- on top of a bar said. "Yo!" "You can tell it's our first time here?" "More or less," he said as he jumped down and walked over to them. "It gets easier it's my 35th attempt so it comes with a territory." "You've tried 35 times?!"

'That shit's embarrassing, why is he so proud of that.' I thought as l grabbed my earbuds away from Gon's ear and put it back in my ear. As my friends were talking to the man l zoned out immediately.

A few minutes after l zoned out the man in blue offered me a soda but l grabbed it and put it on the floor and then l zoned out again l heard a new voice, l started to pay attention.

"I apologize for the delay. Thank you for waiting the entry period for The Hunter applicants is officially closed. So, with no further ado, the hunter exam will begin! One final word of caution...If you're short on look or ability, keep in mind that there is a very real chance you could end up seriously injured death is another distinct possibility. If you're willing to accept the risk involved, I'll ask you to follow me now. But for the rest of you kindly exit through the elevator located behind you."

Nobody moved an inch everybody stayed where they were. "Right, then. Very well. All 406 applicants will now participate in phase one." He said as he started walking he started walking and we all followed him.

As we continued to walk Leorio said. "Yeah, I didn't think anybody was gonna leave but I'd hoped a few would duck out at least."

We started to jog and then run. "Woah what?" "I think the people up front have started running," Gon said. "That's because he's picking up the pace."

"How rude of me. I neglected to introduce myself. I am Satotz, your Examiner for the first phase of the exam. It's my responsibility to teach all of you to the Second phase."

"Second?? Whatever happened to the first?" "The first phase is already underway." All the applicants started mumbling to themselves. 'are they dumb or are they just playing stupid??' Y/n thought annoyed.

"The first phase is quite simple. All you have to do is follow me to the second phase. So, try to keep up." "Follow you is that it nothing else?" "That's right I cannot tell you where or when you must arrive. You need only to follow me."

"I see how it is." "This exam is weird," Gon said. "yeah it is." I agreed. "Sounds a lot like a basic endurance test to me. That's right up my alley keep running pal I'm right behind ya!" Leorio yelled. 'sigh, l thought this was going to be hard..!' I thought as I shrugged my shoulders as I was jogging.

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