✧ Hunter exam ✧

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Y/n's POV:

"Well, gentlemen/ladie. Everyone rested up? good. Now then. The hunter exam committee runs this hotel. So I want all of you to make yourselves at home until the battle has concluded.

As he spoke a worker from the hotel wheeled out a board that was being covered by a white sheet. "For the final phase of the hunter exam, you will be competing in a one-on-one tournament." He said as he took off the sheet.

"Hold on a second. So only the last person standing passes?" Leorio said. "No, you only need one win to pass this phase." "Just one?" Gon said. "Wait. So, in this tournament..."

"See, it's the winners who will drop away and the losers who will advance to the next round which means the person who finished at the top will not pass. Makes sense to everyone?" Mr Netero said.

"You're saying that only one person failed the exam." "Exactly, here is the bracket we put together." He said as he ripped the paper to reveal the bracket. "Ah jeez," I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Impressed, yes? You see, in this format, every competitor has at least two chances to win a round." Netero explains, "Yeah but some people get five chances to win like numbers 294 and 405." Pokkle points out. "Couldn't you have used a more balanced bracket?"

"Wow, that's a fair question. This bracket was carefully assembled based on your performances throughout the hunter exam. To put it simply, those whose performances were rated highly will have the most chances to win." Netero said.

"I'm not convinced. Can you explain exactly how you scored our performances?" Killua asked. "Hmm...NO," he yelled. "WHY NOT?!"

Netero laughed. "I can't say because your scores are classified. I can't reveal your actual scores. However, I can explain the criteria we used." He explains. "We start with the basics. There are three categories there is physical strength, mental acuity, and overall impression. When judging physical strength we rely on an aggregate of agility, flexibility, endurance, and perception. For mental acuity, the aggregate consists of resilience, adaptability, judgment, and of course, creativity. But these are only reference points. After all, every last one of you was strong enough in mind and body to reach the final phase. We're most concerned with your overall impression. This reflects any intangible factors that defy basic categorization."

He chuckled. "Think of it as our way of assessing your potential as a hunter. We round out our assessments by incarnating the opinions of our peers. There you have it. The rules of the battle are quite simple. Weapons are allowed cheating is forbidden. If and if your opponent admits defeat you are in. However! If you kill your opponent you will be disqualified without hesitation and if that happens, the Exam ends and the remaining applicants pass. Got it?"

"Let the final phase of the exam begin!" Gon and Hanzo prepared themselves for the first battle. It was easily quiet, and the crisp cracking of Hanzo's knuckle.

"The first match is Hanzo vs. Gon! Please step forward." Gon and Hanzo readied themselves you get my job quickly followed the staff members' directions and walked reasonable directions away from each other. "I'm Masta. I'll be serving as the referee for the tournament. Good luck. Both of you."

"Hey good to see you again." "Huh?" "You were the one who was trailing me around during the fourth phase." "You noticed that did you?" "Naturally, I assume that each of the examiners was assigned to Examinee to follow. Well, I'm sure I wasn't the only one who noticed."

"It was so obvious!" I said shrugging my shoulders. "I noticed but I didn't think it was worth mentioning," Kurapika said. "Uh.. yeah," Leorio said.

"I'm very grateful. You recognize my talent and my rank improved as a result. But no surprise there." He confidently said. "Sure but.." "Now moving on, I have a question for you." "what is it?" "We can only win if our opponent surrenders? Correct? Knocking them unconscious doesn't count. No TKOs either?" "Right, those are the rules," Masta said.

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