† Phantom Troupe †

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Y/n's POV:

The next morning we were in Leorio's room. "As it stands, we have a diamond worth three million Jenny and earrings are worth two million and 2.4 million in leftover cash," Leorio says calculating our money.

"Not to mention the 2.75 we made arm wrestling. all told that's a total of around eight million. We need at least nine billion.That's the minimum opening bid for Greed Island, so if we don't have that, there's really no point but I don't see how's we're gonna get there not through legitimate channels anyway."

"Yeah, I wouldn't call that kind of arm wrestling legitimate," Gon said. "All of the challenges toward the end we're a bunch of desperate losers looking for revenge," Killua added. "And that's okay. See, that was my goal from the very beginning." Leorio said. "Huh?" I said.

"the more exaggerated the rumors, the better." "What do you mean by that?" Gon asked. "The arm wrestling was just bait." "It was?" "That is what's gonna draw all the moles out of hiding!" "Wait, moles? I don't think I get it why do we want moles?"

"Okay, take it easy just let me explain...." Leorio said.

After Leorio explained we went back to the market to do the arm wrestling thing

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After Leorio explained we went back to the market to do the arm wrestling thing.

"Step right up! Conditional auction! We've got a diamond and earrings sitting here that's Worth 5 million Jenny! Together! Arm wrestling besides the winner! The first person to beat this boy wins the diamond and earrings. The entry fee's 10,000 Jenny."

The rumor started spreading the way that Leorio wanted and some giant guy walked through all the people. "Outta my way." "Oh! Do we have our first challenger?" Leorio asks. "Not quite." A short man behind him said. "I already know my man can't beat your kid. I was watching yesterday."

"Then what do you want?" Leorio asks. "You interested in makin' some real money?" The short man asked. "What do you mean?" "I know where you can make serious cash. Not the measly pocket change you're pulling here. You can make hundreds. No, thousands of times more, easy."

We followed them. "So, are these two the moles?" Gon asks. "Yeah, it looks like we just landed a big fish!" Leorio said. "Fish? So...they're not moles?" Gon said confused. "Will you please stop talking? It doesn't matter!"

They stopped at a house. "Here we are." The short man said before we got inside there was an elevator we went underground when an arm wrestling matches. 'Eww, it smells like sweat do people, not know how to put deodorant???' I thought.

"Oh, wow. I can feel the bloodlust." Killua said. "This competition accepts all comers, and it really pays out. The spectators bet on each match and the winner gets ten percent of all bets placed. We're talking billions wagered on each match." The short man explained.

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