† Phantom Troupe †

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Y/n's POV:

We have been on the ship to Yorknew City for quite a while now. "That's it, right over there, Killua! Y/n!" Gon yelled as he was pointing at the city from a distance. "Yeah we're almost there." Killua said. "Yeah, Yorknew City!" I added. "Can you believe we're gonna get to see Kurapika and Leorio again? I can hardly wait!" Gon say.

"Yeah, I'm excited to see them, again!" I said. "You're kinda jumping the gun. We've still got two weeks before we're supposed to meet up." Killua said. "Oh, right. It's been six months since we them last and I'm getting excited!" Gon said. "And six months ago, l never would have dreamed we'd come to Yorknew City. Not for this, anyway." Killua said.

"The auction starts on September 1st, so we need to gather as much info on Greed island as possible before then." Killua explained. "Mm-hmm, and if we're lucky, we might even find out some more information about Ging." Gon said.

"He did leave you that memory card along with a recorded message. There's gotta be a connection!" I said. "Once my brother sends that URL to us, we can check out, right?" Killua ask. "Mm-hmm!" Gon responded as me and Killua softly chuckled.

Killua got interrupted by an eagle. He stands up from the mast and put his elbow out for the eagle to land. "This is it, Gon Y/n. My brother sent the URL. Wow, that's awesome! Let's get started!" "Yeah!"

Once we arrive to Yorknew City, we inside a internet café

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Once we arrive to Yorknew City, we inside a internet café. Gon search up the hunter website for we can get info about Greed island. "Is this the hunter website?" Gon ask.

"Yeah, I've heard that hunters worldwide post lots of information here." I said. "Worldwide? Really? That's pretty amazing." Gon said as he clicked on the page. "Please swipe your Hunter's license and enter your license code." As Gon did what the computer said.

"Put the cursor on bartender." Killua said as Gon did that's what he said. "What kind of information do you want?" The bartender said as Gon clicked on him. "Wow! That's a lot of info!" Gon said. "Click game category." Killua said as Gon clicked on it. "There it is. Green island!" I said as Gon clicked on it. "Price is 20 million Jenny." "Twenty million?" Gon said.

"I guess they give out information for free." I says. "All right, l guess we gotta." Killua said. "Okay then, I'm depositing 20 million." Gon said as he depositing 20 million. Suddenly a burst of aura came from the monitor. "I can feel aura coming from the monitor!" Gon said as we were suddenly teleported inside the bar.

"Then to enter the site..it looks like you actually have to be a Nen user." Killua says. "Okay, now listen very carefully. Y'see, Greed island is a game created by Nen users. It appears that there are multiple creators whose motives are unclear. They infused Nen into all hundred copies of the game. Nen activates on startup, pulling the player inside the game itself."

"Wait, inside the game?" Gon ask. "Only Nen users can actually play it. As long as the player stays alive within the game, the console will continue to run even if the game is unplugged. It will stop if the player dies. There was one owner...Who hired fifty hunters to give it a shot and of the 50...not a single one has ever came back. I heard you can return if you can find a save point."

"Is that true?" Gon asked. "It's from the hunter website. So it has to be accurate." I said. "At the Yorknew City auction, there are going to be seven units of Greed island and every one of them will be available for purchase. Of course the lowest starting bid is 8.9 billion Jenny."

"8.9 billion?!" Gon and I said. "The price has skyrocketed! That's three billion more than we'd pay for retail!" Killua yelled. "Getting one's tanked level G." We gasp as he continued. "This game is considered a legend, but there are still plenty of units around. If you have enough money, it should be relatively easy to procure one."

"Hmmm...A G-rank, huh? That's lower than I thought." Killua said as I nod, before we were back in the internet café. "Still, the money's a big problem." I said. "Hey, this auction...Do you think that we can participate in it?" Gon ask. "At 8.9 billion? C'mon, that's way out of our league!" Killua said.

"Uh-huh, not to go buy stuff, but to sell." Gon said. "Selling, huh? That's it!" Killua said as he he snapped his finger. "We can go look for treasure and then auction off whatever we manage to find." Gon said.

"Yes! We can start with the 80 million that we entered fighting at heaven's Arena and go from there." Killua said with a grin as Gon and l nod in agreement.

Killua and I grabbed another computer from next to Gon. "First off, we'll try the online flea market and auction websites." Killua said as we put our computers right next to Gon's. "Now, let's see what we can dig up. We'll increase out funds and then, get a copy of Greed island!" Killua said as we agreed.

A few hours later we were outside sitting right next to a water fountain with our drinks in our hands

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A few hours later we were outside sitting right next to a water fountain with our drinks in our hands. "How much...is left?" Gon ask nervously. "Between the three of us we're at 10.84 million." Killua said as we let out a disappointing sigh.

"What the hell! When we first started, we were making a decent amount." Killua said as he threw his soda in the trashcan.

"I knew this would happen." Gon said. "I told Killua we should have stick to the reputable sites!" I said. "I couldn't help myself! The risky sites are the only real way to make a profit!" Killua argued as we let out another disappointing sigh. "This isn't working out so good..." Gon says.

*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

Coming up! Gon! Killua! and Y/n's Hunterpedia!

Gon: "I'm Gon!"

Killua: "I'm Killua!"

Y/n: "I'm Y/n!"

Trio: "And this is our Hunterpedia!"

Gon: "Today, we'll be introducing Neon!"

Y/n: "She's the daughter of the head of the Nostrade family!"

Killua: "She's a flesh collector!" *Gon turns into the Lovely Chostwriter*

Gon: "Her Nen abilitiy's the Lovely Chostwriter!"

Killua: *Killua grabs gon's hand with the pen* "l think l'd try to tell my own fortune!"

Y/n: "Turns out you can't..."

*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*


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