✧ Hunter exam ✧

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Y/n's POV:

Beans clears his throat. "Everyone this is the site of the Hunter Exam's third phase, you'll be competing here at the top of the trick Tower. To pass this phase, you must reach the base of the tower alive, the time limit is 72 hours, and with that, the Exam's third phase will now begin. Good luck to every one of you." He said as he went back in the airship.

"All right everyone do your best!"

Me and Gon went to the edge and looked at the ground and how high it was. "Whoa!" "Now what? Are we supposed to climb down?" Leorio said. "Well, I hope not. that would be suicide" Kurapika said.

"Sure, for most guys." An applicant said as he climbed down. "For an expert rock climber like me, this is gonna be a piece of cake." "Oh, wow!" Killua said. "Look at how he's going!" Gon said. "Mm-hmm!" I said.

I gush of wind passed by as the sound grew louder and louder meaning the creature was getting closer and closer. A red giant thing with wings, a creature didn't show any remorse when scooping him up in its mouth and flew away. The applicant screen for help.

"Oh...Okay!" I awkwardly said. "Uh, so, l guess we can't climb down, not this way at least," Leorio said. "Yeah..." Kurapika said.

Me, Gon, and Killua were walking around trying to figure out how to get off Trick Tower, and suddenly l fell. "Oh shit," I said as I fell on the ground and I landed on my feet.

"Huh? I guess it was a trapdoor to get down here." "Hello, Y/n!" "Oh! Hey Lipoo! Do you like the little haircut I gave you?" I said taking out my knife. Lipoo tsked in anger but continued.

"You will be fighting all of Miss L/n, criminals that she captured over the years!" 'M/n..' "You can use any of the weapons around you! You can kill or knock out your opponent! And with that begin!"

A big door opened and 10 guys came running after me. I punched three guys at the same time and

 I punched three guys at the same time and

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use their bodies to do a backflip. And I got on the tallest one, I pulled out my knife and beheaded him. I used the tall guy to crush two smaller ones. 'four more to go!' I thought as I grabbed a bow staff from the wall.

"COME ON! Is that all you guys have in you?!" I yelled as I swung the stuff at one of the guys running after me. "I WILL CRUSH THE L/N CLAN!" Some other guy yelled as he ran straight for me with his first up. I tsked in anger as I blocked his punch with my stuff, I threw the stuff right through his heart. "I. I'M. NOT. A. L/N!" I yelled.


'For a long, Time my always been my last name....L/n maybe it was my mother and my father maybe it was my clan reputation. The L/n clans were all Hunters more specifically they were blacklist Hunters. The L/n clans We're always so cold to me because I look so weak... And because I didn't have the special eyes that they always kept secret from me....

"Eww! And that child looks disgusting..." "Yeah! look at the eyes and the hair!" "How disappointing and here I thought they're going to make a strong child...."

The moment when I started 5 they left me in some village. At times they will come and visit but only to give me money for food. The villagers sometimes praised me because I was a part of 'L/n' and they thought I was just there for training but I wasn't I was abandoned there...

"WOW! YOU ARE L/N?!" "That must be so cool!" "Yea!" All the kids my age used to scream that and I just laughed it off and never respond.

But the person who took care of me was my grandma.., well she wasn't my biological grandmother she was just some old lady in my village who everybody called grandma and she was the one who trained because she was a retired Hunter.

And the only reason why my grandma was training me was because she hated the L/n too! so me and my grandma's dream is to kill every L/n. Since my grandma is old and doesn't have any strength left she put her dream to me that's why I want to be a hunter to be stronger than my parents!

So I always when people ask me what is last name I always say... "My last name is Charlotte!" Some people didn't believe me...so my grandmother always scolded them and told me that I was their grandbaby! I love her so much!

But....It's too bad that she can't see me succeed in her dream....'

~Flashback over~

I had tears streaming down my face. "MY NAME IS CHARLOTTE! YOU ASSHOLE!" l yelled as he dropped to the ground. "You two want to go at it?" I glared at them before they shake their heads as a no and then they knock themselves out.

"So? Can I go now or what?" I said as I wiped the tears off my face. "Uhh yes go ahead!" he said as he opened the door.

"Y/n Number 406, is the fourth to pass." 'fourth?! I felt like it's been more than that I guess people are not as strong as me.' I saw three people. I walked the opposite where they were, I sat down took out my MP3 player put on my earbuds, and put the volume up.

'I cannot wait until Gon and Killua get here it's getting boring here...'

"Kurapika, number 404 is the twentieth to pass

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"Kurapika, number 404 is the twentieth to pass." The announcer said. "Killua number 99, is the twenty-first to pass. Gon number 405 is the twenty-second to pass. Time elapsed 71 hours and 59 minutes." "Gon! Killua!" I said as I ran towards them "You guys finally made it!" "Y/n?!" They both said in unison.

"Yeah it's me, don't wear it out!" I said with a cheeky smile. "Leorio, number 403, is the twenty-third to pass. Tonpa, number 16, is the twenty-four to pass." The announcer said as Leorio and Tonpa are both fighting to get out of the door first.

They were all talking about something I didn't understand. I took out my camera. "Okay guys I'm forcing you guys to take a photo with me!" I said as I pointed at them. "Huh?" "Here! hold the camera!" I said to Tonpa. "I already put the timer so you don't have to do anything just hold it."

"Why-" Killua said as I cut him up and put him on the left of me and Gon on the right. Leorio said Kurapika they were taller so they were on behind us. The camera flashed and we all smiled. "Okay! Let me see!" I said I said snatch the camera and showed everyone the photo.

A buzzer rang and the announcer said. "The third phase of the hunter exam is over! 25 applicants have passed! Including one deceased."

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