† Phantom Troupe †

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Third POV:

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Third POV:

Before going to the hotel rooms we decided to go internet café. "No good. I've got nothing." Leorio said. That two billion per spider reward is pretty attractive, but...Finding them will be impossible." Killua said. "Yeah..." Y/n sigh.

"Hey! We could ask for concrete information on the website. Maybe we could even ask about the Phantom Troupe's current location. It might help if we offered a really big reward." Gon suggested.

"We could, but...we don't have nearly enough money for that," Leorio said. "Not a problem," Gon says as he pulls out his Hunter license from his pocket.

We made our way to the bank to Gon decided to pawn his Hunter license in exchange for money. "That's crazy! You actually have the money!" Leorio said.

"Idiot, I can't believe you actually pawned your hunter's license. You're insane, you know that?" Killua said as Gon turned to Leorio.

"So, what do you think we should do first?" "To start first with we should buy ourselves a Southernbees catalog," Leorio said.

We followed Leorio to the auction house to buy a catalog. "Here is this year's official Southernbees auction catalog, gentleman/lady." One of the staff said that she had Gon the catalog book.

"Thank you!" Gon thanked her. We followed Gon to sit down at one of the sofas to read the catalog. Gon started to search for Greed Island.

"Got it! Greed Island's right here!" Gon said. "Seven total units on sale," I said as I stared at the page. "Wow, minimum starting bid is...8.9 billion," Killua said. "No chance there," Y/n said as they sighed in relief.

As soon as we were done we walked out of the Auction house. "Now we just have to wait for the information to start rollin' in. So first, we'll catch one of the spiders and after that, all we have to do is make 'em tell us where the rest of 'em are hiding. Easy! What the-?!"

Leorio said as he finally noticed that Gon walked off. "What's wrong? Gon?" He asked. "This thing is..." Gon holding Ben's knife up to his face. "Cool! Gon, You found a Ben's knife!" Y/n said. "Wait, what's a Ben's knife?" Gon asks.

"It's a knife that a mass murderer designed about 100 years ago and also, I think the guy was a famous blacksmith," Y/n explained.

Killua grabs the knife from Gon. "This looks like one of his original works. It's a lesser-known piece a lot of rabid collectors are after. Good eye, Gon!"

"I don't have any idea what it was," Gon said. "Huh?" "It just caught my attention is all. I guess I got curious, so I used Gyo on it and that's when I noticed a faint aura." Gon explained.

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