♫ The Zoldyck family ♫

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(Y/n's) POV:

"Killua..." Gon whispered to himself as I put the soda against his cheek. He turned around to face me in surprising as blushed. I sat down right next to him.

"So what's the deal with the long face, Gon?" Leorio said. "By tomorrow, we'll be in padokea," Kurapika said. "We'll see Killua soon!" I said as I gave him his food.

The next day, we arrived in the Dentora region of the Republic of padokea. Me, Gon, Kurapika and Leorio had our heads out the window of the train. "I can almost see it. So that's where the assassin's bases are? Looks kind of creepy, doesn't it?" Leorio said.

"It does, once we arrive we should gather information," Kurapika said. "Okay." Leorio said "Kay!" I say.

"Kukuroo Mountain, you'll want to take the scenic mountain bus tour over there. It only runs once a day, but you'll have a guide to show you around." She explained pointing at the bus. We quickly boarded the bus.

"I would like to thank you for choosing Lamentation Tours. It's an honor to have you here. Now get ready because we will be making our way up to Kukuroo Mountain, home to the Zoldyck family of assassins." The tourist lady says as I try to tune her out with my music.

I started to fall asleep on Gon's shoulder as soon as we arrived he woke me up and we got off the bus.

"Would you look at that...." "This is the front gate of the Zoldyck estate. no one who's entered has ever returned alive, which has earned the gates the nickname 'the door to Hades.' to enter you have to go through the door by the security checkpoint. But beyond that is private property so this is as far we can go." She said.

"Hold on this is the front gate the mountain is over there!" Leorio said. "That's right the Zoldyck family owns Kukuroo Mountain every, inch of it. Not to mention all the surrounding land." "So what you're telling me is this is their front yard?" Leorio said.

"Miss tour guide?" Gon said. "Yes?" "What are we going to have to do to get inside?" "Hmm...Oh, dear. Were you paying attention, right?" "Yeah, but you didn't say-" "If you go inside you'll never come out again! It's an assassin's hideout." She said irritated.

"It's a shame." "Huh?" "A family of assassins no one's ever seen?" "If we can just snap a picture of them, we're gonna get a hundred million in reward money." "Are you kidding me? dammit! I should have taken a picture of Killua!" Leorio said as he snapped his fingers and we looked at him and groaned.

"They probably rely on the mystique to protect them. I bet the truth is worth a lot less interesting." The one with the blonde hair ripped the door open from the security guard. The blonde grabbed the old man. "Open up the gate!" He yelled. "I'm afraid I can't. The Master of the House would not approve of such a thing."

"Don't worry about that we kind of figure will kill your master, anyway." The one with the big sword said as I rolled my eyes 'I wish.' I thought.

The old man signed in defeat and gave them the key before being tossed to the side. Me and Gon ran towards the old man "Okay you?" Gon asked as I helped him up. "Yes, I'll be alright." He said. The two entered the estate. "Oh, darn! The Master hates it when Mike snacks between meals." "What?" "Uhh, what?"

As everyone heard screaming from the two that just went in the door and then silence, the door open to reveal a purple hairy arm holding out to skeleton bodies. All the passengers from the bus started screaming and running towards the bus.

"Well, damn it. Mike's only supposed to eat at designated times. Mike! Don't blame those extra pounds on me!" the old man yelled. "What was that thing?" Kurapika said.

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