Chapter 1

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"Why do I always come on time and kakashi-sensei is always late" sakura thinks as she sweat drops in annoyance in the hot, mean sun. She crosses her arms on her chest as she taps the floor with her foot and closes her eyes.

"And where is Naruto? He would usually start complaining about the heat and stomp his feet in a tantrum" sakura also thought. "Sasuke is not even here either" she sighs with the thought. And right after that thought is launched, so is the sounds of footsteps on Sakura's right.

Sakura opens her eyes and sees a black haired Uchiha walk down to where she was on the bridge. "Uh good morning, sasuke". His dark abyss eyes move and land on her. "Mmph yeah" he says apathetically as he goes to the railing and leans his back on it. Closing his eyes and being silent.

After a few minutes of them silently waiting together, not even uttering a single word to eachother, all of a sudden a white haired shinobi pops up on the railing of the bridge across from them. "Hello, Sasuke, Sakura. I hope you had a nice morning" he says as he steps off the railing.

"I would've had a nicer morning if you just came here on time" Sakura mumbled. "Listen Sakura I know your always grumpy that I'm always sidetracked on the way here but let's not have that conversation this time ok?" He says as he tries to hurry this up just so he can get to the mission topic. "Why are you in a rush sensei?" Sakura asks. "Since you guys have missions, we jonins also have missions ourselves. So I have to quickly go to lady hokages office right when I'm done with you

Sakura's attention quickly flips to Sasuke when she hears his voice asking a question for kakashi." your not going to come with us on this mission?". "No. This is just a mission for you and Sakura".

Wait a minute...

"Kakashi sensei, what about Naruto?". "Naruto's going on a different mission. But he won't know that you guys are going on a mission too, so don't tell him. Then he'll start throwing a tantrum if you do".

Kakashi smiles at sakura. " well, you know how Naruto is"

Sakura sags "yeah, I do*. If Naruto knew that Sasuke and Sakura are going on a mission together and he wasn't a part of it, he would start to throw a tantrum and say "HOW COME I WASNT INVITED?!". It's how Naruto always is.

"So, what's the mission?"
Sasuke asks with his cool, low voice. "You guys will be going to a hotel and staying there for a whole week." Sakura makes a confused face "why?" "Because that hotel is the most known hotel in our village, the more profits it gains, the more money the village gains as well. You know, Since the hotel is paying rent to the village for the building and stuff"

  "Well why do you want the hotel to pay you so much money?" Sakura asks with curiosity. "That's a very good question sakura." Kakashi clears his throat before speaking again. "The sand village has been attacked. Lady hokage wants to send shinobi over there to help the sand. But for that, we need a bit of money. Of course we have lots of money, but lady hokage refuses to use that money to get extra materials for the sand.  Therefore she wants you guys to go to the hotel and spit out a bit more money for the village." Kakashi explains.

Sasuke makes a concentrated face "how will just two of us up the profits for the hotel?"

Kakashi is silent for a bit before he looks at both of them "right, I forgot about that" kakashi is silent a little more before he speaks again "in order for you guys to up the profits...." Sakura and Sasuke look at him in curiosity.

Kakashi grins slightly and smiles with his eyes closed.

"You guys have to act as husband and wife"



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