Chapter 4

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Sasuke shot up. It was the middle of the night and he just woke up from a dream. Sakura slept next to him and dreamed her little dreams. Sasuke glanced over to her and immediately started to shake her.

"Sakura, wake up!"

Sakura woke up from the sudden impact and groaned.

"Uuuh w-what is it Sasuke?"

"What happened before we slept?"

"What do you mean what happened?"

"I mean what did we do before we went to sleep!"

Sasuke hissed and Sakura started to looked concerned.

"Don't you remember? We found a room and you went to shower. When you got out I massaged your shoulders a bit and you went out like a light after that. Then I put you under the blanket and went to sleep as well."

Sasuke listened to her every word. When she was finished talking he sighed in relief.

Sakura sat up a bit and put her hand to his forehead, checking his temperature. Her face was full with concern.

"Sasuke are you ok? You seriously don't remember?"

"No I-I...I remember I was just...making sure"
Sasuke stuttered.

"It was all just a dream" Sasuke thought "it was just a dream. But why did I have a dream about that? That's just so inappropriate. And with Sakura? I-I'm insane"

Sasuke laid back down slowly. Sakura watched with concern.

"Are you sure your okay sasuke?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Just go back to sleep" Sasuke demanded.

"O-ok" Sakura laid down with her back faced towards Sasuke as she slept. Sasuke hasn't slept for 2 hours. He kept thinking of the....dream...he had.

Sasuke couldn't believe it. He never had a dream like that before. He isn't a pervert that's for sure but why did he have that dream? He's 17. He's growing, he has hormones and I guess they just.....burst...tonight. Sasuke was never interested in this kind of stuff. He never had dreams about it, thoughts about it, and I guess that this was just his first time ever having these types of thou-...wait a minute....

Sasuke lifted the blanket and saw a big bulge in his pants. He immediately pulled up the blanket and laid down. Great. Just great...


Sasuke wakes up with the sun shining through the window welcomingly. He winced and put his hand in front of his face, blocking the sun in his eyes. He glances to his left and notices that Sakura is not laying next to him. He looks around the room for any sign of pink and doesn't see Sakura anywhere.

"Why do I smell eggs?" Sasuke thought.

Sasuke stood up from the bed and went in the bathroom to freshen up. After all, it was kind of annoying on how tired he was because he didn't sleep for two whole hours. He walks out of the bathroom and heads to the kitchen to see Sakura standing in front of the stove, making eggs.

Sasuke stands there for a while before sitting at the table. He grabs one of the books that we're organized Nicely on the table and reads a page or two.

Sakura turns around to put the eggs on the plate and she notices Sasuke at the table.

"O-oh Sasuke-kun...I didn't know you were awake."


Sakura put the eggs on a plate nicely and a slice of bread beside it. She takes the cup of hot tea that she made minutes ago and she nicely serves the eggs and the tea together on the table in front of Sasuke. She puts a bowl of rice and a bowl of tomatoes on the side by the plate and puts chopsticks on the side as well.

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