Chapter 16

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"Sakura, I have something to tell you.."

Sakura looks back at the room where Neko was currently in before looking back at Sasuke.

"Where have you been?! I was worrying about you!"
Sakura urgently whispered, an upset look plastered on her face.

Sasuke was hesitant to speak, not knowing what to say, but feeling a growing warmth in his chest at the thought of her being caring and worrying for him.

She lowered her head, looking at him through her eyelashes.
"What were you doing..?"

She asked, a hint of sadness in her voice, which confused Sasuke. He wasn't gone for a long time, was he? Maybe he was too focused on picking the right ring, he didn't even notice.

Sasuke scratched his head and looked away before speaking.
"Hey you want to have some dinner?"

Sakura tilted her head.
"So suddenly?"
"Mm..yeah. I'm hungry."

Sakura furrowed her eyebrows.
"You didn't answer my question."
"I was..doing something."

Sakura put her hands on her hips.
"For half an hour?"

Half an hour?
Sasuke thought.
I was gone that long?

Sakura looked away, letting out a stressed breath.
"Sasuke-Kun, I don't know what you were doing but I'm starting to get some ideas. Because your behavior is really suspicious."

Sasuke rubbed the back of his neck.
"I'll show you what I was doing."

Sakura blinked, her cheeks reddening violently. Sasuke slightly raised his eyebrows, wondering why she suddenly started to blush. She flicked her eyes down, before looking back up.

"Okay. Where are you gonna show me?"
"Over dinner."
She widened her eyes and she looked around before looking back at him.

"Over dinner? In front of so many people?"
Sasuke answered, confused. Does she know? Is that why she's surprised for him to do it in public? He saw her look down at his body, did she spot the box in his pocket?

You're just being paranoid.
Sasuke said to himself, inwardly shaking his head.

He grabbed Sakuras wrist and pulled her roughly as he rushed over to lunch, earning a surprised "hey!" From her as he did so.

They entered and he rushed over to a table, shoving Sakura into the seat across from him.

"What's gotten into you?!"
Sakura exclaimed, a look of surprise on her face.

"You want me to show you right?"
"Then wait until we get our food."

Sakura was confused, but she was patient. They ordered and began to eat, silence loud between them. Sakura snuck a glance of Sasuke as they both took a bite of their food.

Sasuke looked at her at the same time she looked at him and they both looked away awkwardly. Sasuke then wiped his mouth, in case of any food on the corners of his lips before taking out the small box from his pocket and setting it beside Sakura's plate across the table.

"Open it."
Sasuke said, looking at Sakura's curious face. Sakura studied Sasuke's face curiously before taking the box into her hands. She opened the box, revealing a beautiful ring thats sunk into foam, with its majestic, shining red crystal that poked out of the foam.

She gasped, overwhelmed by its beauty. She looked up into Sasuke's eyes, speechless. Sasuke looked at her in the eyes as well, looking down slightly. It was rare to find Sasuke so shy that it was obvious.

"I thought it would be a good idea. You know, for the mission."
Sasuke grabbed the box from her hands, taking the ring from the box and snatching her wrist. It wasn't so romantic the way he did it. But to Sakura, it was beyond sweet. He slipped the ring onto her finger, and he flicked his eyes up to hers.

Emerald met black onyx.

And the Uchiha's slightly cold hand continued to hold the Haruno's rather warm hand, as the cold ring was being warmed by the finger it hugged. As well as the Uchihas heart was being warmed.

He felt like the ice was melting.
She felt like the fire was burning.

And he felt like he could trust her. It's not that he doesn't trust her. He knows that trust is important. And he knows that he does trust her.

Salt and sugar look the same.
And Sakura can be so sweet, but she's not weak. And Sasuke knows that. She's both, Salt and Sugar.

And he knows he doesn't deserve her.
But what if he did?

Their hands disconnected as Sasuke leaned back in his chair, keeping eye contact. Sakura smiled.

"It's beautiful."
She whispered.
"Thank you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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