Chapter 3

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Sakura's thoughts was like a toy train circulating  round and round in her brain.  It was like the toy train hated her and wanted to annoy her, destroy her mentally. The thoughts that were teasing her to death were the thoughts of Sasuke snapping at her back at the restaurant.

"Hn you haven't changed. That's something you need to fix sakura"

Sasukes dark and cold voice echos continuously in her brain, not showing any sign of stopping.

"Now stop thinking of the fact that we have to act as husband and wife and just focus on the goal of the mission"

Sakura sighed. She knew this feeling. She felt the same way years ago when they were genin.

"Hn, you haven't changed. Your still annoying"

Sakura just felt like someone just stabbed her in the heart. Tears starting to sting in her eyes but she quickly blinked them away.

After all, she didn't want Sasuke to see her cry.

Sasuke walked beside her silently, thinking in his own world but still being wary. Sakura looks at him for a minute. She is not willing to start a conversation, not after what he told her. She lost her confidence to talk to him, feeling hurt by the Uchihas words. 

Sakura feels a sudden yank on her wrist and she is pulled into an alley.

She is pushed against the wall and her mouth gets clamped shut before she can even make a sound.


"Shut up"

A low voice responds to her muffled protest.

It was Sasukes voice.

Sakura opens her eyes and she sees Sasukes figure in the dark in front of her. He releases his grip on her mouth and Sakura pants. Sakura can feel Sasukes strong body against her. Until finally,

She can't feel it anymore...

Sasuke grabs her wrist again and leads her through the dark alley.

"What was that for Sasuke?"

Sakura asks, mentioning  the way he pinned her on the wall.

"This is a shortcut to the hotel we need to go to. Right when we get out of this alley, the hotel will be right there"

That still didn't answer Sakura's question. Why did he do that to her? Why didn't he just grab her wrist and lead her? Why did he have to do...that?

Sakura thought for a couple of  seconds until Sasuke woke her up from her thoughts with his voice.

"We're here"

Sasuke and Sakura walk in the hotel and Sasuke leans closer to Sakura so that he can whisper in her ear.

"When someone asks for your name, make sure that you say Sakura Uchiha, ok?"

She gulps and nods her head. Sasuke goes to the registration and finds rooms for both of them.

Sakura Uchiha? Sakura Uchiha?!

Her new name echos in her head more than a thousand times but she decides to ignore about it. (Even though it would be really hard)

As Sasuke and Sakura step into their room, Sakura scanned the entire room. She stops on a specific item.

"Umm sasuke?"

"What is it"

"Why is there only one bed?"

"We're married, we share the same bed and sleep together"

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