Chapter 6

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Sasuke and Sakura arrived at the hotel that they left just a couple of hours ago due to Sasukes hunger of food.

It was close to 7 and they needed to meet up with this "Daisuke" that owns this very hotel. Sasuke  wondered what this guy had in store for them. But he also knew that he still needed to be wary, even though this Daisuke was a part of the mission.

Sasuke glanced at Sakura who walked beside him and she seemed very relaxed by this. Sasuke then looked back ahead, turning the handle of a door and opening the door to reveal stairs. Stairs that led to the top floor.

Sasuke stepped aside for Sakura to pass, holding the door open for her. But his eyes didn't meet with a happy Sakura, but met with a frowning one.


"Stairs? Really?"

"What's the problem?"

"Sasuke, why can't we just go on the elevator?"

"There's no elevator."

"Yes there is."

"No, there's not."

"Yes there is."

"No, there's not!"

"Do you actually think that a fancy hotel like this doesn't have an elevator?!"

Sasuke was silent. He looked at the stairs then at the floor then flicked his eyes toward Sakura.

"....I did....But when you asked me that question, it...casts a little doubt."

He says, looking back at the stairs. He then groaned.

"Ugh who cares! Just stop complaining and go up the stai-..Sakura?"
He said, looking around. Sakura was nowhere in sight. He looked around and called out her name again before being pulled back and dragged by his shirt. He yelped and looked behind him, seeing Sakura drag him across the hotel.

Sasuke then sighed.
"What are you doing?"
He asked, feeling slightly irritated.

"I'm going to the elevator."
She replied, not looking back at him.

"Listen, there's no elevator near here. It's probably back at the lobby."

"Oh really? Fine, I'll show you!"
Sakura replied with determination, and stopping in her tracks, making Sasuke stumble and fall, hitting his head on a pillar.

He groaned, rubbing the back of his head and looking up at Sakura. He then shot up from the floor, waving his arms around.

"I am telling you, Sakura! There is no way, at all! Nuh-uh! In the Madara's goofy hair! That there. Is. an. Elevator! In!-..."

Sasuke stopped when he saw Sakura with a slight smirk, point to the left. He followed her finger with his gaze. And it landed on an elevator, that was standing right beside him.


He said, finishing his sentence as he frowned and stopped waving his arms, looking at the pink haired kunowichi with irritation as he saw her little smirk of victory.

"I'm sorry, what did you say again? That there is no elevator in here?"
Sakura teased, giggling and leaning over to him slightly. She put her finger under Sasukes chin, tilting his head up. She then leaned over, whispering in his ear.

"Well, Sasuke. I think you're wrong."
She said sarcastically, causing Sasuke to growl at her and wince slightly at the breath that tickled his ear. He then watched her pull away and walk into the elevator. She then stood there with a hand on her hip, waiting for the raven haired Uchiha who hates to lose, follow her in the elevator as well.

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