Chapter 5

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Sakura started running towards the room full of arcade games, dragging Sasuke along with her. She was so excited to play arcade games. Especially with the raven haired man that was with her.

She never expected in her entire life that she would actually play games with Sasuke for fun. It was just kind of weird considering that Sasuke is not the fun type of person.

As she entered the arcade room, she saw various of lights glowing in every corner of the room. There was not a single spot in this room that was not filled with color or lights.

She stared at the bright lights like a little child, awed by the colors that filled the room. Sasuke gazed at her for seconds, he thought that she was adorable for being so intrigued by some lights.

A wide grin spread across her face as she tugged at Sasukes arm and led him to one of the arcade games.

Sasuke couldn't believe he would actually waste his time playing games other than gathering information for the mission. The whole reason they were in this hotel was for the mission!

But then Sasuke looked at Sakura.

She had a beautiful complexion on her face as she smiled. She was having so much fun. Sasukes eyes soften and he watched her play. It wouldn't hurt to just have a little fun now would it?

Sakura was playing pin ball, but she started to frown when she kept losing. Sasuke softly smiled at her pout, and he decided that maybe it would be fun to just help her out a bit.

Sakuras face heated up when she felt Sasukes stiff and hard chest push against her back softly.
Her heart hammered when she started to feel his body warmth tingle all over her back.

Sasuke reached over from her side to grab one of the buttons.

"I'll handle this button. You'll handle the other"
Sasukes voice was strong but relaxing and soft at the same time.

Sakura tried to hide her flushed face by not looking back, as she grabs the other button that was free.

They played the game together but Sakura was barely even focusing on the game. Her hand just pressed the button when needed to flip the ball.

What she really was thinking was how strong the Uchihas body felt against her body. She then started to think of a naked Sasuke and his stiff chest and strong abs exposed. Maybe even his manhood exposed as well.

Sakura then had her face as red as a tomato. She just noticed what she was thinking about and she felt embarrassed thinking of such a rated R thought.

And just like that, the ball is lost. They made thousands of points and she saw the number in surprise. She turned around flustered and embarrassed.

But she forgot that Sasuke was still there.

He was now in front of her and she was leaning against the pin ball machine. His arm was still on the button of the machine, making his face to be really close to Sakuras.

Sasuke gazed into her eyes. Sakura stared into his eyes as well. His eyes were frightening but arousing at the same time. His eyes were so dark, you can't even see the pupil. They were like obsidian, black as the night. Sakura could see her own reflection in the dark wells of Sasukes eyes and he blinked slowly.

He leaned in closer and Sakuras eyes widened.

"Is he gonna.....kiss me?"

Sakura thought as butterfly's swarmed in her stomach.

And suddenly a growl of a stomach was heard, breaking the silent moment they were into.

Sasuke released the button of the pinball machine and he stepped back, holding onto his stomach and looking outside of the arcade room.

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