Chapter 12

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Sakuras heart was beating rapidly. She shut her eyes tight, hoping that maybe the young man could just her let go. Or, perhaps do something more intimate so he could stop the torture.

This moment made her realize how nicer and more gentler Sasuke has become ever since he brought her to the old Uchiha Compound. And you could even say that Sasuke has become more bold in contact with her.

After all, here they are, on the couch with his hands on her waist as all she did was just look away shyly.

But Sakura couldn't just be shy the entire time. So she built up enough courage to at least speak a few words.

"S-Sasuke-Kun? W-Why...Are you doing this...?"
There was a silence before the calm voice spoke.

"Should I stop?"

"Oh! Uhh no—I mean....I don't know..."

There was a long awkward silence between them after that. Even Sasuke seemed uncomfortable. Did he go too far? Maybe he should just stop.

A small blush rose to his cheeks as he looked away, pushing her softly so he could sit up. Sakura let him sit up by raising herself as well, and sitting on her knees, straddling him.

Sasuke looked up and stared at her, his eyes gazing into her green orbs as she parted her lips. It was silent for a few seconds before Sasuke cleared his throat and tried to get up.

Sakuras eyes widened when she saw the black haired Uchiha tip over too much and cause her to fall back on the couch. Sasuke toppled over her, grunting at the impact.

"I-I'm sorry I..."

He stuttered and mumbled, pushing himself up with slightly trembling arms. He quickly jumped off of the couch, giving her a second glance from over his shoulder before walking quickly to the other side of the couch.

The awkward silence was overwhelming. And the thought of Sasuke touching her like that again made icy fingers play piano along her spine. 

Sakura tried to force a smile, standing up like nothing happened.

"I'm hungry. Breakfast?"


"Mm? Sasuke-Kun?"


"Umm yeah okay.."

Sakura said, trying so hard to just try and hide the awkward aura.

Sakura looked through the kitchen and saw no ingredients, no nothing. I mean, seriously? And they only had breakfast here once. When Sakura turned around, she saw Sasuke already putting on his shoes. Sakura followed him and they walked out of the hotel room.

They were quiet towards each other as they walked.

Across from the hallway was a small and tiny girl, holding a big pile of towels. The girl slightly stumbled and stumbled until finally her legs gave in and she tripped and fell, dropping the towels.

"Oh no."

The light sweet delicate voice called out. The girl had brown and short hair, wide and innocent brown eyes and she was pretty short and tiny, just an inch shorter than Sakura, but a head shorter than Sasuke.

Sakuras natural nice demeanor kicked in and she crouched in front of the girl, helping her pick up the towels. The shy girl looked at Sakura.

"Oh...Thank you, miss."

As the girl and Sakura picked up the towels on the floor, Sasuke just stared at them, before turning his attention away to something else to wait for Sakura to be finished with the girl.

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