Chapter 2

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Sasuke and Sakura's mouth dropped.

"W-what did you just say kakashi-sensei?"
Sakura asked in a nervous voice. "I said that you guys have to act as husband and wife". Sasuke was surprised but he didn't let it get the best of him. "And why do we need to do that kakashi?" Sasuke had a cold touch to his voice when he asked the question. And it sent slight shivers down Sakura's spine.

Kakashi was still grinning at his students in a friendly way. But Sasuke started to wear his annoyed face and Sakura just started to wear the "What the heck!" Face. It's as if kakashi just told them to take off their clothes and dance in front 100 people.

"The reason why you guys have to act as husband and wife over there is because like I told you, that hotel is very known and most of the people that go over there is either married or a couple. In order for this to work you guys have to fit in if you know what I mean. And the only way for you to fit in is to act as a nice, married couple" kakashi said in a relaxed voice.

Sakura started to burst into stutters and questions.

"B-but don't you think that the hotel will think it's kind of weird that two 17 year olds are already married?!"

"No it won't be weird because you guys can simply come up with a lie that it was love at first sight"

Love at first sight!
Sakura thought.
No way!

"Whatever, where is the hotel?"

Sakura was surprised! Sasuke took this so easily! As if it was an everyday thing! But of course Sakura was always thinking of Sasuke as "more than a friend" and Sasuke was always thinking of her as just "annoying".

"Of course."

Sakura thought.

"I'm always the one who thinks of it as..."

Sakura sighs. She springs up with a determination.

"No, I can't think of it like that! It's just a mission. Just a mission. Nothings going on between me and Sasuke it's just...a mission"

Sakura repeats that in her head and just like that, Sasuke and Sakura are already on the path headed to the hotel.

"Wow, I guess I was just so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even realize that we left the bridge and hit the road"

Sakura thinks as she walks beside Sasuke silently.

"Kakashi said that the hotel was not far. Just inside the village and around this area"

Sasuke thought as he walked.

"Umm sasuke?"

Sasuke woke up from his thoughts when he hears Sakura's delicate voice speak out from his left beside him. He shifts his eyes to the source of the voice and reply's back in a low, strong and slightly cold octave.

"What is it?"

"I didn't eat anything for breakfast. Is it okay if we can just stop by somewhere to eat?

"Why didn't you eat anything for breakfast?"

He asked while shifting his head slightly towards her.

"Because I didn't want to be late for the mission"

She replied in a delicate manner.

Sasuke sighs.
He looks back on the path and heads for one restaurant that's near them.

Sakura follows and they find a table in the small restaurant. Sakura sits down across from Sasuke who already found himself a nice menu to look at. Sakura takes a menu of her own and flips a page to look at the delicious lists of foods.

The Mission: The HotelWhere stories live. Discover now