Chapter 9

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The clock on the wall hit 8:00 as the sun continued to rise, glowing up the tall Konoha Hotel. The big window in the living room just happened to face just where the sun was, and the stupid, huge window just happened to have no curtains.

But that didn't matter, if the light of the sun wakes Sasuke up or not. The uncomfortable couch he was sleeping on was already giving him enough discomfort to wake up himself.

Sasuke tossed and turned, until he finally shot open his eyes in frustration. He just tried to get comfortable, but he couldn't. He then gave up, sighing and just standing up from the couch, deciding to just get up.

He remembered everything that had happened last night, and it reminded him to look at the bedroom door. It was still closed. And it seemed that Sakura didn't come out at all yet.

Had Sakura just forgotten everything about the mission? Or did she just not care? Sasuke knew Saruki would probably come here like she did yesterday to annoy them. So he decided that maybe he should negotiate with her, to give him some time before continuing the mission. So he's not annoyed by her while he's trying to have his private time with Sakura.

Sasuke quietly creeped over to the bedroom door so Sakura wouldn't hear his steps. And he put his ear to the door just like he did yesterday. But he heard nothing. What he thought he heard though was quiet even breaths. So he assumed that she was just sleeping.

Sasuke then quickly reached to the exit and got out of the hotel, to rush over to Saruki's office and talk to her about the mission.

As Sasuke walked down the hallway, he spot Mr. Nowaki talking to some other guy. The guy had slicked back hair and he had a black suit on him. He also had a tattoo on his neck. It was a tattoo of a hawk and its wings spread out.

He had sunglasses on him so Sasuke couldn't really get a perfect picture of the guys face, but he knew that Mr. Nowaki and that guy have something going on. He saw Mr. Nowaki whispering something to him, and then the guy with the black suit spot Sasuke.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes at him before leaving the scene, entering an elevator and going up onto the 52nd floor. The tension in that moment was...strange. As if Mr. Nowaki was whispering something about Sasuke and so the man with the suit looked at him.

But Sasuke got interrupted in his thoughts when he heard a Ding coming from the elevator and it's now opened doors.

Sasuke stepped out and knocked onto a door just outside the elevator.

"Come in!"
Said a delicate voice, coming from inside the room.

Sasuke opened the door and walked in, his apathetic gaze landing on the business woman behind her desk.

"I need time."
Sasuke said bluntly, causing Saruki to make a puzzled look.

"What are you talking about?"
She replied, straightening her posture.

"I'm saying stall your deal with Nowaki."

Saruki scoffed at Sasuke's demand, standing up from her desk.

"Umm well let's see,"
Saruki said, her words dripping with sarcasm as she walked around her desk.

"You failed your task as my bodyguard, made Mr. Nowaki suspicious at my employees because YOU didn't do your job as a bodyguard. So you technically damaged Mr. Nowaki's trust for me and damaged his interest in this hotel. And now you ask for me to stall the deal?!"



Saruki blankly looked at Sasuke as he bluntly replied to her, his apathetic face not budging. Saruki's face then scrunched up into a scowl.

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