Chapter 11

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The sun started to set and the sky started to clear. The only sound Sakura could hear was just quieter voices around the village as the people around started to decrease and go into their homes for the night.

The footsteps she heard the most was hers and the Uchiha next to her. They arrived at the hotel, its windows letting out its warm glow from all of the lights inside the building.

They both stepped inside and Sasuke scanned the place, spotting people walking and chatting. What Sakura spot was Saruki talking to an old man, Mr. Nowaki. But when Nowaki looked away, Saruki slipped off the ring he had on his finger and put it in her pocket. It was a gold type of ring, causing Sakura to tilt her head and narrow her eyes.

Saruki spotted Sasuke and Sakura and waved at them, urging them to come over there. Sasuke groaned, letting Sakura know well that Sasuke didn't want to talk to her or Nowaki.

But it was the mission.

Sasuke then looked at Sakura before closing his eyes and sighing, and then walking over to Saruki and Nowaki with the pink haired kunowichi.

"Sasuke! And Sakura, wow!"
Saruki said, acting all innocent, to Sasuke's annoyance.

"And who are these two?"
Nowaki asked, then pointed at Sasuke.

"Hey I know you. You were Saruki's bodyguard that just rushed up the stairs the other day."

He said, causing Sasuke's brow to furrow in confusion. He doesn't recall that time. Probably because he was too focused with Sakura.

"Oh, yeah right."
Saruki said, giggling nervously.

She then approached and hugged Sasukes arm.

"Actually, he's my boyfriend! Right Sasuke?"
She asked, looking at Sasuke with intense eyes.

Sakura stared at Saruki, her eyes widening slightly.

Sakura thought, but she let her anger subside. Because she knew that Sasuke would never let her just call him her boyfriend. I mean, that's absurd-

"Yeah, I'm her boyfriend."

Sakuras jaw dropped, dumbfounded at Sasuke actually accepting it. She felt a stab of all sorts of emotions- Anger, jealousy, hurt. And more.

Sakura looked at Sasuke, her eyes clearly showing the confusion and shock.

Sasuke returned a look back at her that said: "just go with it."

But then again, Sakura trusted Sasuke. So she sighed then looked back at Nowaki, who was looking at her too.

"And who's her?"
He asked, causing Sakura to freeze.

If Sasukes not Sarukis "bodyguard" anymore then did she change her role into something else too?

She doesn't know, but she did assume that this was Nowaki. Because she never met Nowaki before. Saruki looked at Sasuke, giving him some sort of signal that Sasuke understood. And he sighed, looking at Sakura.

"Her name is Sakura. She's my sister."



Sakura didn't know what to say, she just smiled at Nowaki. But inside she was screaming. I mean, sister? What?!

But she let all of that in. Of course she didn't want to blow her cover and freak out. She had to act as Sasuke's "sister" or whatever.

Mr. Nowaki nodded, taking a drag from his cigarette.

"Well my son will be pretty disappointed."
He said, causing Saruki to fake a smile.

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