Chapter 14

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Sakuras head buzzed and screamed, as her vision blurred to life. She first saw the ceiling before her hearing swung in, hearing some sort of sizzling. She heard a clank as well and a muffled voice as she closed her eyes to refocus.

She started to smell delicious food, and it caught her attention. She held her head, groaning as someone helped her to sit up.

As her vision finally cleared, she saw Sasuke in front of her, holding her arms to steady her to sit. His inky eyes were fixed on her emerald eyes as he gave her a genuine look.

From a muffled message to a more clear one, he said "You alright?"

A nod. That's all she can do right now to respond.

He went on his knees in front of her, as she stared at him with wide eyes. He took the plate of delicious food that she assumed he made, which would explain the sizzling she heard earlier, and he brung a piece of the food to her mouth.

She blinked. He's gonna...feed her?
"Open." He demanded, causing her to open her mouth and he shoved the spoon in her mouth roughly. The spoon shot in her mouth and she gagged and choked. She felt like she needed to puke.

"Did I fully wake you up with that?"
"Yes! But-"

Next time, he entered the spoon rather gently into her mouth. She could sense the warm and delicious taste of the food. The food helped, fainting isn't pleasant.

Her cheeks flushed and she fiddled with her fingers as Sasuke stared at her, curious of what the source is for her sudden embarrassed behavior.

"Why?" She asked, tilting her head down slightly as she looked at him through her eyelashes.

"What are you talking about?"
Sasuke asked, raising a brow.

"Oh come on, please don't act stupid, Sasuke."


"Sasuke? Please just tell me why-"

"I had to do it." He spat out, causing Sakura to grow silent.

"If I didn't do it, that person would've known our real identity, we both don't want that. I acted as the husband needed."

He said, attempting to dismiss the conversation by standing up. But she stopped him from leaving by asking him one last question.

"Why so....intimate? You could've just did a simple kiss."

Sasuke turned his head only slightly to look over his shoulder.

"If we lost our cover, we would've failed the mission. I had to make sure that, that person would believe, no doubt, that I'm your husband. So I went all in." He said, causing Sakura to smile slightly.

The smile caught Sasuke slightly off guard, but he remained in composure.

"Well, you really did fool me."
She said, giggling.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes at her comment, not knowing what she meant by that but also not knowing how to feel about it. It was probably just a compliment. Or maybe she was trying to say something else.

It didn't matter. What happened, happened. There's nothing more to it. And it was just for the mission, nothing more. Right?

What am I thinking? Sasuke thought.

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