Chapter 7

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The sun shined through the window, causing the white sheets of the bed to glow a warmy whitish color throughout the room.

Sakura stirred slightly in her sleep, then opened her eyes. She winced slightly and cursed inwardly at the curtains that didn't block the sun from going through the window. But despite that, she slept very good last night.

She moaned softly as she stretched, then groaned when she sat up from the bed. After rubbing her eyes, she looked to the right, just to see nothing there but just the sheets she and Sasuke shared last night. She blushed slightly at the thought of sharing something like that with him. But it's not like know....did anything. I mean, their mission is just to act as Wife and Husband but not literally.

She then shifted her eyes to scan the entire room.  Sighing, she stood up, picking up the sheets and nicely folding them and laying them on top of the bed.

She then heard a shuffle of a sliding door open. She turned around to look at the source of the sound and she saw Sasuke walk out of the bathroom with a towel on his shoulder and his hair wet. He was shirtless but he did have pants on. Sakura guessed that he probably took a quick shower.

"Good morning Sasuke-Kun."
She said, showing off a smile to him as he looked at her.

He mumbled, looking at her as he reached for his shirt. Sakura watched him as he held his shirt then slipped his arm into a sleeve. Sakura smiled at him.

For some reason, when she saw Sasuke, it gave her a slight tingle in her heart. Sasuke is usually very serious and very stoically apathetic but she's used to that side of him. She's not bothered by the way he is, it's just how he is.

She knows that Sasuke struggles a lot. His feelings, his pain, his love. It's all he struggles with. But it gives Sakura a taste of longing for him.

She wants to help him. She wants to make him feel the love, the happiness.

But he has to let her first.

Sakura slowly took a step, then another, until she finally ended up walking towards him, Sasuke's dark, obsidian eyes following her every move, watching as she approached him. When Sakura finally reached him, she took his shirt off of his arm and let the shirt drop to the floor.

Sasuke's eyes widened when he saw her lean over, putting her head and her hand on his broad chest and wrapping her other arm around him, hugging him.

He quietly said, watching her nuzzle her face against his naked chest. She hummed in delight, then pulled away to plant a small kiss on his cheek. His face reddened when he felt her soft lips brush against his skin, making his cheeks heat up as he felt her hand on his chest, the warmth radiating off of her body.

Sakura slightly blushed then pulled away, putting a strand of her pink hair behind her ear.

"S-Sorry....i couldn' myself hehe..."
Sasuke blushed, then looked away.

"....It's fine...I-I don't care...."

Replied Sakura, looking away. She cant believe she did that. After that she felt so embarrassed. But another part of her said that she liked this.

Sasuke turned around and walked away, putting on his shirt and turning to her again.

"Let's go. We'll get some breakfast and then go to meet Saruki."

Sakura nodded, following after him as they left their hotel room.

They both walked down the path as they found a random restaurant. The restaurant barely even looked like a restaurant. Probably because of the women and men that sat in chairs and drunkly laughed, some of them even falling out of their chair.

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