Chapter 13

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"So you're dating MY Saruki?"
The young man asked the other young man. The other young man's eye twitched and he sighed, looking away.

"I'm not obliged to answer."
Sasuke replied with irritation as Henta narrowed his eyes at him.

Yeah, not obliged to answer because he fucking HATES Saruki. But he obviously can't say because he apparently is "dating" her. Or whatever...

Henta scowled, looking up at Sasuke since he is a little shorter than him. But Sasuke didn't pay any attention. He just turned and walked away, and Henta growled.

"Hey! I'm not done with you!"
Sasuke could hear henta's annoying voice as he continued to walk down the hallway. He stopped short when he saw a trash can full with junk that people had left behind in the past.

What caught his eye was an article. The title said: "Botan Nowaki: Water Park Tycoon Or Dangerous Criminal..?"


As more and more people left the cafe after having their delightful breakfast, Sakura continued to talk to Neko. But she suddenly noticed that Sasuke wasn't sitting beside her anymore.

She shot her gaze at the empty spot he used to sit and then she nervously chuckled at Neko.
"Umm excuse me, Neko but I'll be back. I have to..go find my husband."

Neko smiled and waved it off.
"Go ahead, I noticed he just left too."
Sakura smiled a "thank you" before she scurried off to find Sasuke.

She decided that maybe she should stop at the gents bathroom and see if he was there. But he was gone for an awfully long time. If he was at the bathroom, then dude seriously must've had some bowel problems. But Sakura thought that maybe she should check anyway.

As she stepped in front of the gents bathroom, she knocked. Some men spoke to each other, maybe two or three but none of them sounded like Sasuke. So she sighed and left.

When she went back to the lobby, she closed her eyes to focus, searching to try and sense Sasuke's chakra out. Suddenly she sensed his chakra.

Back hallway.
Sakura thought, her gaze shot right at that door when she sensed Sasuke's powerful chakra.

She opened the door and entered, only to see Sasuke standing with his back facing her. His head was down as he was quiet, not bothering to even look back at who entered.

After Sakura just studied the back side of his body for a few seconds she then approached him, cocking her head to peak over his shoulder at what he was looking at.

He was looking at an article with a title about Nowaki.

"Botan Nowaki: Water Park Tycoon Or Dangerous Criminal?"

After seeing that mysterious title, she lifted her gaze at Sasukes face, trying to read his expression. He seemed angry. But he's probably just deep in thought. He always looks angry when he's thinking.

Sakura then looked back at the article and then began to speak.

"Where did you find this?"

"In the trash can. This article was published a long time ago. It wasn't the latest. Someone who owned this magazine probably didn't just pick it up from a normal newspaper table around the corner."

Sakura nodded. "Someone who owned this and had it after all these years probably needed it for a reason, they wouldn't have it after all these years for no reason."

Sasuke twisted his head to side-eye over his shoulder, where there was absolutely no one but just the two of them there.

Sakura followed his gaze, looking behind them.
"What is it?"
She asked, seeing Sasuke fully turn his body over to where he was looking.

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