Chapter 8

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The sky started to get full with dark clouds, threatening to start raining. Sasuke continued to stand in the middle of the path. The rain hitting his head and shoulders as it made sounds of small splashes onto the pavement.

His heart was full with guilt and shame. He looked down, his bangs covering his eyes darkly as his lips were pressed into a thin line.

After the war, he felt huge guilt toward everything he has ever done. Almost killing Sakura, hurting her and Naruto too. Almost destroying the hidden leaf with his bare hands and destroying the former habitat he used lived in his childhood.

He has felt such pain from it, and yet he can't help but just feel a pang of jealousy whenever a guy interacts with Sakura. Of course he is now better than how he was before, but his darkness would just bubble to the surface whenever his jealousy came into show.

He has to apologize, somehow. He knew it would be very hard for him to. But he hurt Sakura. He has to apologize.

Sasukes eyes widen when he remembered Saruki and her plan to meet with Mr. Nowaki. But Sasuke didn't care if he missed that meeting. He has to solve his priorities first. And his first priority was definitely Sakura.

Sasuke started to walk down the pavement and toward the hotel, assuming that Sakura would probably just be in their hotel room. Why was he walking though? That thought crossed his mind. Run. Run to the hotel and apologize to her already.

But a pang of fear washed over him. What if she rejected him? What if she left right after she told him that she didn't want to see him again. Sasuke imagined the worst, which caused him to walk even slower.

But then a picture of Sakura crossed his mind. Pictures of her smiling and laughing reeled through his brain.

"it's Sakura." He thought
"What's the worst that could happen?" 

He thought, slightly smiling. He then slowly started to speed up, faster and faster until he was running. The rain whispering wet splashes around him in a swift as he shot through the drops of rain.

He stumbled up the steps of the hotel and barged through the doors, grabbing attention from people that were in the lobby. They all stared at him, and Sasuke spotted Saruki, squinting her eyes at him. She was standing in the lobby next to a man. A man with brown hair and whites in his hair, with a little bald spot on top. He looked professional, with a cane in his hand. And next to him was a teen boy, about Sasukes age.

He had dark, slicked back hair who had googly eyes for Saruki. Sasuke assumed that the professional man was Mr. Nowaki. As for the teenager, Sasuke thought of him as Mr. Nowaki's assistant or son perhaps.

Saruki breathed out Sasuke's nickname, squinting her eyes at him, clearly confused at how he just barged in like that.

Sasuke rushed over to Saruki, and Saruki looked around before looking back at Sasuke.

"Where's the pink haired girl that was with you?"Saruki asked, watching Sasuke rush over to her. He didn't look like he was listening to a word she was saying, he barely even looked at her when he walked.

Saruki felt confused.

"And why are you so late-YAH! Hey!"

Saruki said, seeing Sasuke just shove her aside and run up the stairs. Saruki felt confused as she watched him run up the stairs. Her brow furrowed. She didn't know where he was going. He was supposed to be here with Sakura as well, acting as her bodyguards, but Sasuke just left.

All the people there continued to watch Sasuke run up the stairs, including Saruki and Mr. Nowaki.

"You know that guy?"
Mr. Nowaki asked, causing Saruki to stiffen slightly as Mr. Nowaki released a puff of smoke out of his lips due to his cigarette.

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