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Yellow's training with Blue ended up becoming something which (y/n) was pulled into whenever it happened. Both the third and fourth days of school he was included in it and he had no doubt Blue would invite him again today. For now though the boy had to deal with his homework.

He sat at a table in the library, his work on the table and a pen in his hand. He was supposed to list all the regional variations of Pokémon that he could think of, professor Oak wanted to gauge how much everyone knew about the topic at hand. He wrote the Vulpix's, the three Meowth's he knew of, and Growlithe and Arcanine. He searched through his brain for more examples of this topic but couldn't seem to think of any.

"I guess that's enough" he sighed as he rubbed the back of his head and stared at the paper. "Thank Arceus this assignment isn't graded" he sighed as he rubbed the back of his head once more.

"(Y/n)" The boy quickly turned his head and smiled as he saw Calem and Serena standing there. "Mind if we join you?" The boy asked.

"I'd appreciate the company" (y/n) replied as he motioned for them to sit.

They sat down and Calem lay his head on the table before closing his eyes. "Don't go to sleep Calem" Serena all but ordered as she rubbed the boys back.

"Mm" he just groaned in response. "Just ask (y/n) your question so we can go"

Now it was Serena who groaned. "Guess this isn't a social visit then" (y/n) spoke as he put his pen down and looked at Serena. "What can I help you with"

Serena chuckled nervously and rubbed her arm awkwardly. "Professor Oak said I could start my club if I got enough people who wanted to join... So I was wondering if you'd be interested"

"What's the club?" (Y/n) asked curiously. He wasn't sure yet if he'd be joining any clubs but he may as well hear Serena out.

"Rhyhorn racing!" Serena said excitedly, trying her best to make it sound appealing. "My mom was a famous racer back in Kanto so of course I've been trained since childhood to be a racer. I figured it could be fun to get to teach others how to do it too!"

(Y/n) nodded as he thought about that. "Rhyhorns look uncomfortable. Are they?"

"No! They're surprisingly not uncomfortable" she pulled a pokeball from her pocket. "If you want to go outside I can let you take a quick ride"

"Not right now, thanks" (y/n) shook his head. "Got work to do" he motioned to his papers. "Would you be supplying us with Rhyhorns or do we have to catch our own?"

"Ideally you'd bring your own or we'd get permission to take a field trip and catch some. If those aren't possible though then Professor Oak has assured me the school can supply them"

(Y/n) nodded once again as he thought about that. "And this is safe?"

"Yes, I wouldn't ask you to do this for me if I thought you'd get hurt" Serena smiled as she fiddled with the pokeball in her hands.

(Y/n) sat there for a moment before thinking of another regional variation and writing it down on his paper. "Wooper" he whispered as he wrote down the two types of Wooper. He then looked back up at Serena. "Alright, I guess I'll join"

Serena smiled widely as he said that. "Thank you! You won't regret it!"

"We'll see about that" (y/n) shook his head as he stared down at his paper. "I've never really been one for clubs"

"Well I'm going to do my best to change that" Serena smiled as she clapped her hands together. "What can I do to do that?"

(Y/n) shrugged before he leaned his head on his hand. "Bribery is nice. But if you're not into that then just do your best to make the club a fun place to be"

"Second one then" Serena nodded as she smiled. "I know you'll enjoy this, I'd bet my reputation on it"

"Do you have a good reputation?" (Y/n) asked as he tilted his head to the side with a confused look.

"I was the youngest Kalos champion ever" Serena spoke as she smirked. "I think that's a pretty good reputation"

"Sounds like it" (y/n) nodded with an impressed look. "How many champions are even in this school? Seems like a lot"

Serena nodded. "Blue, Red, me, Selene,... who am I missing besides us?" (Y/n) just shrugged in response. "Ah whatever, sign this" she quickly pulled a sign up sheet out of her bag and placed it in front of the boy.

"Right" he nodded before quickly signing his name under Calem's. "So it's just us three so far?"

"I'm sure I'll get more signatures" Serena smiled as she took the sheet back and put it back in her bag. "We only need two more to start the club"

"Alright then, good luck with that" (y/n) spoke as he looked down at his assignment. "Does voltorb have a different form in any region?"

Serena have a confused look before looking down at his paper and realizing what his assignment was. "Not for generations. I think the old form evolved into what we have now"

(Y/n) frowned, unsure if that counted for this class. "I guess I'll leave that off the list"

Serena nodded before noticing that Calem had fallen asleep. "Hey" she quickly hit the boys back and he groaned before his eyes slowly opened. She glanced at her watch and sighed. "Let's get you back to bed for your nap" she helped the boy stand up before looking at (y/n). "I'll find you when I get the club approved. Have a good day"

"Have a good day" (y/n) replied with a smile before watching as the two turned and walked off.

Word count: 1045

(I get that the original is iconic but what is everyone's favorite Pokémon theme song? Mine would probably be a tie between all the Black and White themes. To hard to choose between the three)

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