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"Jump!" Meowth jumped out of the way of Chuchu's tackle and quickly scratched at the electric rat. Yellow flinched as she watched her Pokémon get hurt. "Fake out!" (Y/n) commanded and once again the cat scratched the Pikachu. "Well... it's not fake out but it's an attack" he shrugged as he glanced down at his Pokédex. "Thank god blue isn't here to see this"

Meowth had proven to be a less obedient Pokémon than either of (y/n)'s others. While he had managed to get it to stop jumping at Tandemaus he had yet to figure out how to get it to battle how he wanted. The only reason it was even fighting now was because it was a cat and it's opponent was a rat. While this breed of Meowth didn't eat rat Pokémon they still enjoyed catching them.

"Chuchu, quick attack!" Yellow yelled and her Pokémon quickly did as she was told. Meowth went flying back into the wall and yelped.

Meowth glared at Pikachu before dusting himself off and walking away. "Meowth!" (Y/n) called after it as it walked towards the exit of the room. He huffed before returning it to its luxury ball.

"That may not be the best battle Pokémon" Yellow spoke as she walked over to her Pikachu and quickly crouched down to heal it. She then got back up and walked over to (y/n) before putting her hand on his and the pokeball before healing the Pokémon inside.

"What's he thinking?" (Y/n) asked as he placed the pokeball in his coat pocket.

"You realize you can't rely on me for that all the time?" Yellow smirked as she crossed her arms. "You're going to have to learn to tell for yourself"

(Y/n) sighed before nodding. "I know" he sighed as he snatched Yellow's hat off her head and placed it on his. "Can you at least tell me if he likes me?"

Yellow adjusted her ponytail, knowing she wouldn't get her hat back unless she answered. "He doesn't dislike you. He definitely isn't a fan of battling though"

"Mm. Maybe he'll prefer posing for my photography class?" The boy shrugged as he adjusted the hat on his head. "I'm starting to see why you like this thing"

"It's comfy right? Green gave me it" Yellow smiled as she looked up at the boy.

"You know she put a bug in here right?" (Y/n) asked as he felt the hat for the device.

"Oh I found that ages ago" Yellow shrugged it off. "But it's kinda comforting that she always knows where I am. If I ever need to do something private I just turn it off"

(Y/n) nodded, he shouldn't have been to surprised that Yellow was okay with this. "Fair enough"

Yellow returned her Pikachu to its pokeball before slipping the orb into her pocket. "I'm headed out with Blue in half an hour. Want to go with us?"

"Where are you headed?" The boy asked as he tried to remember if he needed to do anything important today.

"Just into one of the smaller towns" Yellow replied with a shrug. "Blue's favorite shirt got ripped up during a match with Silver and he got recommended a place to find a new one"

"Silver?" (Y/n) asked with a laugh. "How many people around here have a color for a name?"

Yellow just shrugged in response. "In a perfect world everyone would" she quickly snatched her hat back, barely able to reach it because of her small height. "I think you'd be Teal"

"Teal?" (Y/n) asked with a laugh. "I'm not a shiny Totodile"

"And I'm not a Pikachu yet my name is Yellow"

"Your name is Amarillo" (y/n) countered.

"Amarillo is Paldean for Yellow" the girl giggled at the boys ignorance.

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